
Well, I’m black and gay, so let me try to explain this, at least how I’ve experienced things.

The one thing that separates homophobia and transphobia from racism is that, for the most part, those elements of who someone is can be hidden from public view. A person who is gay can remain in the closet if they so choose,

I can’t wait until Morning Joseph’s career is ruined by a sex scandal or something. That guy is a scumbag just like Kasich.

I remember being so horrified by Mitt Romney. Like legit frightened that he would become the President.....but really, given these alternatives? Maybe....not so bad??

“maybe we should check on him...ya know, just say hi...”

I do find myself wondering, “would he really have been *that* bad? What’s he doing nowadays anyway?"

I’ve started to look fondly upon our brief time with John McCain, somehow

A campaign season filled with Republican candidates so thoroughly repugnant that it makes you look back at ‘08 and ‘12 with fond recollection. <shudder>

Apparently it does. Six months in prison worth a crime.

...good for blowing your load AND loading your blow.

Fat and black!

Really Kirstie?

That’s a reality show I would watch: Real Housewenches of the Ancient Holy Roman Empire.

This is bull****.

Yes. But some babies are definitely cuter than others. Like the new Gerber baby has been scientifically proven to be cuter than 99.9% of other babies.
I think Saint West might be in the cuteness 1% too.

It's so nice to have a PM who doesn't look constipated all the time.

Trubama 4 eva

It looked like they were going to cross arms for their first sips.

Off to read some fanfic about their after hours foursome in the Lincoln Bedroom.

sweet jesus, those girls are stunning! I hope to see more from them in the future, I wonder if either of them would be interested in going into politics?