
I can pretty much confirm this. I was too young to be there but this is NOT the first time I've heard of the oragutan fights at the N.C. state fair and other places. Apparently it went on for a couple of years. My uncle and a couple of his friends fought one at a carnival travelling around about that time.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

FUN FACT - Those are called 'bindles'.

Pretty sure that's my home town. if it's not, it's an amazing facsimilie. I used to work in that Roses department store.

men grow in gravitas as they get older

Now, if we could only float a pool table in there somehow...

One Finger Death Punch

Sounds like my Grandfather. A white man, born in the 19-teens in the hills of south-west Virginia.

His fame will fade. The people who are using him to front their agenda will move on to the next shill. No woman will put up with being saddled with a 300 pound social pariah. He'll produce no children, have no real friends, his obnoxious family will be a constant reminder of all he's lost. No company will want the

That seems to be the ultimate slippery slope of half-witted legislation like "stand your ground", isn't it? Zimmerman has proven to be an unstable murderer so why wouldn't a normal person fear for their life in his presence? So the next guy in line kills him and then he's a proven unstable nutbag so the next guy

Maximum Fluoride Protection.

Now I'm disappointed. From the picture, I assumed he was going to be teaching the dog Karate.

Too many eels.

Definitely not cocaine. Don't even bother to check. It's cool.

Also, why is the container still full when she runs her finger through it? OMG #FALSEFLAG

First of all, everyone whose comment along with the author are retarded.

"Cardigan Welsh Corgis do have tails."

It's not so much the beard, it's the cleft chin.