Here's my favorite bit of Bond trivia. Flemming described bond as looking like Hoagy Carmichael.
Here's my favorite bit of Bond trivia. Flemming described bond as looking like Hoagy Carmichael.
I don't think I have ever laughed so hard and so long in my entire life.
Still kind of pissed that the Greensboro Hornets had to give up the name when Charlotte took it and then they promptly left anyway, leaving us with the Greensboro Bats.
Could be worse. Mine likes to see how many tiny pieces he can rip them into and then see how widely he can distribute the aforementioned tiny pieces.
Scariest part of the haunting is not the loud baning, it's one question. "Whos hand was I holding?"
Glad to see someone is supporting my "bring back the rumble seat" movement. 23-skidoo!
A true gentleman always holds the oven door for a lady.
It's confusing because they didn't use his first name, "Septic".
Alaska's Salmon-thirty-salmon.
Are we sure that's a he? Not to be all judgmental and stuff but whoever it is runs like a girl or a cartoon bear.
Chewbacca looks like he's about to do Hamlet's soliloquy.
It's funnier my way. Now the joke is as dead as that teacher.
Meanwhile, the teacher was just awarded "Employee of the Month" at the local Applebee's. Congratulations.
I was hoping for something about going down to the bear pits.
Pretty sure that's Count Chocula.
I deem you King of the Internet, long may you reign.
So THAT's what that is!
Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day.
It's like they've just staggered out of a cave and are trying to figure out how it works.
Siri is beginning to remind me of GLaDOS.