
For some scale to a big city, it is estimated that 40,000 people from New Orleans resettled and stayed in Houston after Hurricane Katrina. Other than a few more Cajun restaurants, and a few more Saints jerseys at your local sports bar, it was hardly noticeable. Capacity is not a problem. These are just xenophobic

This. I feel like the government has never been able to contextualize the numbers in a way that’s relatable (read: dumbed down) to the general population. I’m from NYC, so numbers like 50,000 or 100,000 don’t really mean much to me. That’s like a zip code or two.

The other reason I hear is that they didn’t like Trump, but they had to vote for him, because abortion. These people have been hit by the abortion rhetorical hammer so much that it’s ingrained in them—if it’s not as bad as abortion, why should they care about it politically? To them, America’s original sin was Roe v

Evangelicals voting 81% for liar Trump just boggles me. You’d think a gung-ho christian sect would be all over the sanctity of marriage concept—stay true to your partner. And here Trump is a serial cheater. Grabs women by the pussy. And these fanatics align themselves with this liar as opposed to a woman who stuck

Uhhh no. I live in Texas with family in East Tx. It still means the same thing to the people that fly it.

Disagree. We help white drug addicts in this country and we put the black drug addicts in jail. Opioids is now considered a white drug. If it were black people doing all these opioids we full well know what the government response would be. See the crack epidemic as an example...

Yesterday Project Runway wouldn’t cue up on the DVR and I legit snatched up my phone to check the Xfinity app and said aloud, “I’m pretty sure I paid them...” LOL!

Between that, It, all the caveperson rape in Clan of the Cave Bear, and the incest in Flowers in the Attic it’s amazing I got out of my teen years without having been grossed out of ever having sex altogether.

I am very torn. I will buy it on blu-ray and and buy a couple of movie tickets to support it (in a theater near me). However, both sides of my family are from southern Louisiana and were sharecroppers; it is different listening to the older people talk about it and seeing it on screen. The trailer looks riveting as

That whole Batman inspired/soundtrack was awesome. I had it on cassette!


Now you know when two black people get together they’re plotting against all white people everywhere. That’s why when you talk to the other black guy in the office Tom has to pass by repeatedly to eavesdrop ask you about those pens Katie ordered last week.

The phrase “Think like a man and behave like a lady” makes me want to spit fucking fire.

My mom only pooped once a week when I was growing up. I can go a few days without going myself. I also feel deep apprehension when I can’t wait to get home to poop. I have left work on more than one occasion to go home and poop.

I just got a cheap bidet installed, but it’s really obvious to turn on and off.

It was completely miserable and I sincerely hope I never have to do it again.

My Mom never said shit about him or denied him any access to see us (in fact he was somewhat negligent and she tried to encourage him to spend more time with us). It was very clear to me from a young age that my dad was just an asshole. I loved him, but I didn’t necessarily respect him. Kids are pretty smart.

He’ll probably get both by virtue of being a stay at home parent.

mandatory national service for everyone... You should have the option of going military, or police, or fire, or some other social service. 

I know, I help my dad out every year and it’s a nightmare going through all the scenarios. They really make it confusing ON PURPOSE