
Residential districts shouldn’t overlap business ones, etc.

The first of these problems is difficult (maybe intractable), but the second is something that (I’m hoping) will get resolved relatively soon, thanks to upcoming SCOTUS cases.

effectively the rural votes would be worth less than city votes, that will be the narrative the opposition will make.

Why do people watch TBBT when The IT Crowd exists?

I feel like a wuss, but I’m kind of glad for Spicey. It was so mean of Trump to not let him see the Pope.

I still loathe him and wouldn’t vote for him but at least some people in his office aren’t total assholes.

That is awful. Please let them know they are in my thoughts.

It is horrifying that with all the money we spent on DHS, there was not a competent plan to evacuate the areas in Houston which have flooded twice in the last two years prior to Harvey.

The reason they didn’t issue a mandatory evacuation was because the last time they did during Hurricane Rita, more people died on the roads than would have if everyone had sheltered in place at home.

Wait... Osteen’s building was The Summit?

I have saved the picture on my phone. Thanks!

That sounds fabulous. I am going to harass my local liquor store for it.

Oh my.. yeah you have some stories to tell. :)

I planned on watching the Tick on Amazon that is if Harvey doesn’t flood us to “no lights” living here in Houston. I have some new extra anejo tequila* with my name on it and there will be a lot of storm drinking. :)

If you and your Dad are ever visiting the Gulf Coast, my Husband and I would love to buy you both a round or two... We can all trade stories of our Fucked-up, “Christian” relatives #GoodTimes

We’ve actually taken over responsibility for helping out my cousin/his niece (uncle’s daughter) because her youngest is dealing with leukemia and my uncle won’t help her due to her ‘Mexican’ husband situation...


The democrats are holding all the cards now though because since a number of republicans are still playing the anti-increase side even though they’re in power, so the GOP NEEDS those democrat votes because if the GOP can’t pass a debt ceiling increase it’s going to be yet another failure while they have the majority

I am soooo stealing this analogy!