
I would like to add the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by LBJ a democrat. After this, the southern strategy was born and the Democrats and Republicans switched sides. Af-Ams in the south (when they could vote) typically voted Republican since the Civil War.

I prefer my churchgoing characters to be wearing hand-decorated hats that scandalize the neighbors.

I’ve had When Calls the Heart on my Netflix radar for ages, because BOY do I love a costume drama!

This is so me when I try to get fancy with my eyeliner.

That sounds very tiring! I just give up quickly because I am bad at it. I tried to do fancy eyeliner (with the wings) once and I looked hilarious.

“In the South, black people can get close, but not go high; in the North, they can go high but not get close.”

For me, it was the constant school of thought that women are always second in the eyes of God according to the church. I was supposed to feel extra loved because I couldn’t get close to God without a man’s help. No one could explain it to me. My father was condescending and the older women told me it is how you view

Lol, well, not old, really, but I am an Old in my opinion. 42 and giving few fucks!

It really was, but thanks for sharing. I am sending you and yours good thoughts.

I am a resident of Harris County and I approve this message.

Sexual assault is way more common among middle schoolers than people believe. And that’s part of the problem.

Yeah, as petty as it might sound (as I got older I realized its not petty at all) it’s a big deal. At the end of the day relationships are about that connection and my love language is very physical, so I know that thats top on my short list of must haves in a relationship

Not sure what your race is. I’m a Black female raised in Alabama. And I grew up with this image ingrained in my mind from childhood. Stories from my Mom about her childhood.

I am sooo stealing this graphic. I wish I could give you more stars.

Exactly. I want to work in the state legislature in Texas. I can’t afford to do it.

State legislators in Texas make $600 per month, or $7,200 per year, plus a per diem of $190 for every day the Legislature is in session (also including any special sessions). That adds up to $33,800 a year for a regular session (140 days), with the total pay for a two-year term being $41,000.

But then Texas as a whole seems to be a “white paradise” based on all the news I hear coming out of there.

Right. I’m not saying she IS old, I’m saying she’s old to be having a kid. Like, I don’t think its controversial to point out that there are a slew of studies that show your risk of maternal complications and birth defects go up exponentially after 35.

“Hayle no, you ain’t getting no Coke. WE GOT DRINKS AT HOME.” Lmfao...but fr, questions that need answers.

Now this is a NOLA saying “How’s ya mom-enem? “ we do not say How is your mom and family (them) doing).