
However, there’s been concern that it will be seen as co-opting and unwelcome. How can one be an ally, when the perception of me could be the very problem?

Same here. I have been mostly anti-gun but I am all about my 2nd amendment rights now.

Totally agree. My dad told us (again when I was kid) that if the Mexicans (I am in Houston so mostly Mexicans) and Af-Ams got together, we could run the city. There is something to be said for that because we have a very diverse set of politicians.

I’d have voted for Clinton if I lived in a state where my vote had a chance in hell of making a difference. So leave me alone please.

This is horrific. I don’t doubt it at all. Funny terrible story:

I’m one of the three. He played the hell outta the role on the 4400. He was so real on Luke Cage.

I’m one of the three. He played the hell outta the role on the 4400. He was so real on Luke Cage.

Me too. About 10 friends and family are all going together. Since, most of us are POC, we have decided to go to a non-diverse suburb that is farther out of the city to get the CHL.

I would be a little hesitant to do it, given I’m Black and female. Honestly, I would wait and see what happens to others before feeling comfortable enough to paint an extra target on my back with law enforcement. I am completely open to changing my mind about that, though.

Quick, everybody on the left, stock up your armory.

On a personal note, if that had been my kid, the 911 call would have been to send an ambulance because I just saw my neighbor trip, fall, and hit his face on a tree repeated until he fell unconscious.

You nailed it!

Who are we supposed to listen to when accounts conflict? No matter what someone’s going to all us out for being wrong in what we do. So IMO, do what you think is right after getting as much info as you can.

Who are we supposed to listen to when accounts conflict? No matter what someone’s going to all us out for being wrong in what we do. So IMO, do what you think is right after getting as much info as you can.

If you told me this I wouldn’t act like you were lying, but I would find a way to “casually” point out that all branches of my family came to the US early in the 20th century.

For my family, it was my great great grandparents* on all the sides we can find that were born into slavery. When you tell people this, they want to act like you are lying. I mean who would lie about forebears being born into bondage. It was a inhumane condition.

Local elections count as much as (even more) than presidential elections. Here in Texas in 2018, we have Ted Cruz (Senate) and Greg Abbot (Governor) reelections on top of the rest of the shitstains in the state house. I am begging one of the Castro twins to go after either one or both of them. Their poor staffers are

No - the problem is the schools -are- flush with cash. And the Republicans are going to fix that problem, just like No Child Left Behind fixed it.

I’ve been considering a superpac with the purpose of putting a candidate on the ballot in every race. Doesn’t matter how unlikely the election, I want tem to fight for every seat in the House, every state level position, hell I want them to have to fight for the head of the PTA. If you can, get out there and stand

That is such a good point. Since November, it has really hit home that the future I want isn’t inevitable, and I’m not entitled to live in easy times. I’ve started paying for my news, calling my representatives, going to marches. It shouldn’t have taken this election to get me to do the right thing as a citizen, but