
I’M RUNNING! And from this point forward in history, no one is ever allowed to say, “but you’re not qualified!” because of Donald Fuckface Trump. If HE can be POTUS, I can very well run for county board or some other higher office. I want to personally take Peter Roskam DOWN.

The Texas Democrats held a webinar on last Thursday discussing running in Texas. It seems like the same items were discussed (being single, a mom, lack of world class education). They pushed running for local school boards, councils and other local seats. They stated they are starting a year earlier than they normally

I’m sort of baffled by the characterizations of these marches as being ‘white women things’.

I was at the march in Houston. There were plenty of women (and men) OC at the Houston march. It was very exciting.

Same in Houston. There were around 20,000 in attendance. There were so many families, men and small children. It was a wonderful event.

Definitely. We marched in Houston and there was only a little over 20K there but I ended up with my 10K steps for the day. :)

Totally agree. My mantra is tit-for-tat. I have learned much from right-wing conservatives in the last 8 years. I don’t think I learned what they thought I should learn though.

My kids were talking about it. They are now 19 and 16. They remember how happy and excited everyone was. Strangers were hugging and talking. It was so much hope. They were like why can’t presidents always inspire people instead of scaring them. I was like, yeah, I know.

I was there too almost in the same spot. It was so fucking cold.*  My 5th and 3rd grade sons (at the time) looked like colorful Michelin men they were so bundled up.

Hell there were four kids in my group for Obama’s first inauguration.

Since when did becoming educated and smart become so terrible?

I have always felt that churches should be taxed. If churches are politicking from the pulpit, then they should be taxed. If they are not contributing to their communities in a significant way, they should be taxed. If they have anything over $1 in profits, they should be taxed. When I say this out loud, I get

I have never heard this. I am stealing this too.

I’m stealing this.

I live in Texas which I feel is the home of the prosperity bullshit gospel. The cognitive dissonance with these groups is amazing to me. I grew up in a religious family. However, they believed as long as you can feed your family you shouldn’t be well off because you are focusing on money and not God.

I gotta second this.

Exactly! This is how I feel about it.

THIS! I have been shutting folks down with the respect the President bullshit. You mean I should act how they acted during BO’s presidency. Got it. I am going to give it my best shot!

Her platform could have been “give every American a unicorn” and the right would be all “Fuck you, don’t you know some people have unicorn allergies? And unicorns are part of the gay agenda!!”

I wish I could give you more stars for this.