
can you get us any additional photos of the vehicle and specs? Looks like he put a lot of time into this car and it looks like a blast

Between this video and the Trabi video from last week I have a whole Lada love and respect for what can be done with these cars. Much respect for the drivers and people who wrench on them. They look like a ball to drive.

Thank you for keeping us in the loop and sorry you are dealing with these problems. A few bad apples and such.

Uhhhm please don't tell Otto, but I think Hopper from "A Bug's Life" just could not dodge your Dodge. Does not make the best looking hood ornament either. M. Knight Shaymalan's version of The Spirit of Ecstasy.

Did any of you guys see that big block Prius with the blower sticking out of the hood just drive by?

Would like to see a side by side comparison of the rally version and the street. Side by side drive comparison.

We can TP and do doughnuts hung over right?

The coordination between those two is amazing. If anything should be an Olympic event Rally should. This is much more artistic and beautiful than sychronized floor exercise.

You MUST amend your answer. The entire 250 line are the most beautiful cars ever. Testa Rossa!

Ok, it is a Fiesta ST, but not the Fiesta ST we can buy. Can you please do a peiece on the actual spec on this massive piece of testosterone when you are not honing your piece of air-cooled madness?

Hauntingly beautiful.


The classy gentlemen of 1955 would never say while driving up the hill "Judson just kicked in Yo!"
No, they would never say anything like that.

And all the examples you cite came back to Ohio....Your point?
Let's see Glenn uhm he became a Senator.
NC just provided a place to test a plane built and conceived in Dayton.

By your definition of flight the Chinese win because rockets!
1. Heavier than air...check
2. Own propulsion...check
3. Air rushing over fins...check

Absolutely wrong about he jail/correctional facility needing probable cause to search. US Supreme Court shot that down a long time ago. Government has a legitimate interest in maintaining order in such places and to keep the flow of drugs and weapons out.
That being said I hope this guy gets paid. Not only is

I know that was the Breitling Watch display team, but because the F-16 so emulates the now banned lawn darts I absolutely love them. Wish I still had the Florida Air Guard of theirs before transitioning to 15's after it hit a hog on the runway. He got credit for the kill and the ground crew got bacon. A win/ win

I know that was the Breitling Watch display team, but because the F-16 so emulates the now banned lawn darts I absolutely love them. Wish I still had the Florida Air Guard of theirs before transitioning to 15's after it hit a hog on the runway. He got credit for the kill and the ground crew got bacon. A win/ win

Please, please, please stop mentioning cars that I love and driving up the price. Your killing me. Keep the GTV-6 a secret until I find the perfect one.

Please, please, please stop mentioning cars that I love and driving up the price. Your killing me. Keep the GTV-6 a secret until I find the perfect one.