
Why the F16 is affectionately named "The Lawn Dart"

If it had caught fire his profits would have gone up in smoke!
I'll show myself to the door.

A follow up full season series where Long, Dempsey and Foster go for it again. Looks like a spectacular effort, good chemistry with the team and an actual shot at winning. Run another season. This was a PR gift for Porsche. Finally a show that got my lovely wife to watch racing other than the Red Neck Roundie Round

Alfa T33 Stradale

Travis called Dibs ...and I called SHOTGUN!

Jumper Cables for your car. If you are reading this you are handy enough to help a brother/sister Jaolp in need. Remember the life and battery you save may be your own!

The Ape in my Avitar photo is too.

Call Porsche and tell them there has been a mistake. Your reservations are for October 18-22. Fly over then.

That's it. I excommunicate myself. I am now going to the church of Alfa Romeo or become a Hooniversalist!

Automatic or Manual. Then I will decide if I am going back to church!

I NEED a Subaru 360!

You called dib....

I am Alfa. I am hot therefore I am!

For this price the car should come with a Oompa Loompa to unfold the top for you and stand between the seats and hold the topbrella on. A 254 MPH speed rated Oompa Loompa. Then Mr. Wonka would approve.

Great article. When I had my student pilot license at 16 and working on my flight hours so I could take my flight test the week I turned 17 I read every book of his I could get my hands on. Wind, Sand and Stars is still one of my favorites. Going to have pull his books out and reread them again. He was truly a

The answers are obvious

Patrick stay right where you are. The authorities will be right there. They have been looking for the My Little Pony slasher for quite some time now! :)


First of all I hope you are okay.

Good catch. What's up with that?