
Yes, very luck. Some things can not be undone. No putting the cat back in the bag such as it was.

When told to step back by the other pigeons Kimi's avian cousin mumbled something like"shutthefuckupiknowwhatimdoing" the did a backflip.

More napalm and more cowbell!

She only says it's a stupid tweet because she got caught. Or because it was tweeted by her. Either way I hope they yank her license and make her walk. She doesn't deserve to drive an automobile or ride a bike. Now she can identify as a walker because she is one.

As a resident of North Kakalaki and a 'publican I can tell you I did not vote for one republican on the ticket this last election and will not vote for one next election cycle. They are turning The Old North State into a regressive state and have passed nothing but legislation that benefits Big Business. Ask Elon to

Now my state of North Kakalaky is trying to ban Tesla with the help of our dealership protectionist anti capitalistic republican legislature. Great. Can't balance income vs expenditures but you have time for this B.S.



Byrne needs to sing this. I want it on Morning Jams!


Making knockoffs of other companies designs? Fabulous.

You young'en. Public Enemy, Beastie Boys and Two Live Crew were on the P.A when I was in college.

Do the batteries in the floor give off any heat? Always wanted radiant heat floor in the house so why not a car? Seriously though while the car is plugged in and on house power can you use your phone to get the car to heat up or cool down so you don't use battery life? Thanks for the review or is it Eview? Wife

Jr. Agree with you that Guiness is just a made up arbitrary organization which is out to sell books to Pre adolescent kids who fixate son such arbitrary records and argue amoung their friends about which things are better, faster, cooler...... Wait that describes absolutely all of us. Oh the irony

Love the Isetta, but by your definition the Elio is a car when in fact classified as a motorcycle

You are correct WAS considered a car. And at the time it was considered a car. No longer under current rules could a three wheeled vehicle be considered a car. Progress ain't all it's cracked up to be.

The beginning of "Ran When Parked".

Then it would be a Trike by definition not a Car. Cool as it is.

Because miniguns and rockets!

Will Hoon the smart or Miata. Never this