I actually answered a bit of this to another commenter that was looking for advice about writing female characters, but I do consciously avoid going full out with power in my characters. I usually incorporate some severe limitations / flaws into my characters for balance purposes.

Hugs if you want them. My bro finally got his paranoid schizophrenia DX (only 30 years after I said, after taking Psych 100, “hey, his ideation is a bit off?”) and I completely agree. Now that he’s retired, on disability, and medicated, he knows when his brain weasels are leading him astray. These fuckers are

Wikileaks has stated that their info on Hillary did NOT come from Russia. Enough with the wishful thinking already. Hillary is corrupt AF. Accept that. Of course The military would say this. It is in the establishment’s best interest to discredit Wikileaks as much as possible. If they manage it, they can continue

One of the reasons Congress holds so little power today is that the during GWB and then Obama’s terms, Congress allowed both Presidents to expand executive power by signing statements and regulations, thereby getting what they wanted when without going through Congress. Somehow in the last few years a lot of Americans

Surprisingly, not everything he proposes is necessarily bad, but the actual implementation of course remains to be seen.

“Orange is the new black”

America is a global embarrassment. Those of us who aren’t racists are ashamed at this country.

All I’m sayin’ yo.

She had 4 kids, one of which has my sarcasm and smarts. I get great enjoyment knowing that there’s a small person irritating her all the time.

The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.

The gaming market is not just Microsoft and Sony. They are the home console market, but Nintendo has essentially stopped competing with them two consoles ago. Their competition is Apple and Google and the Switch reflects that. They don’t care if the get the next Metal Gear; they want to make sure they compete with

I’m going to be laughing over “mathening” all day!

In a nutshell, the German economic roller coaster: ca. 1890 to ca. 1955. No country has been more whipsawed economically than the Germans. German history is also useful if you want to study planned economies, because a lot of the minutiae of the Third Reich survives in archives.

When I was studying in Germany I had lots of free time so I took it upon myself to learn Sütterlin, which is the cursive handwriting that was taught in German schools up until sometime in the Third Reich (Hitler considered it old-fashioned and wanted a more modern cursive to better reflect the modern Germany.) I

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

Yeah, I don’t know about this... in theory it’s an awesome burn. But to put it out on social media seems like a low blow. I can’t say that I’m cheering for this even if it’s coming from someone in my political corner.

Well, Metal Gear had “wormholes” as ways to move from points A to B. They’ve never had alternate dimensions or crystal zombies. The series even makes a point of explaining that the supernatural doesn’t exist, with the apparent exception of psychics (and easter eggs).

The one on the left is so fucked up. I wouldn’t have believed that Trump funds NAMBLA but if something was to convince me that Trump funds NAMBLA it would be that picture.

“Good” ...in this context at least..is at best a relative term, anyway. Everyone with a gun thinks they are a “good guy with a gun,” because from their perspective, their reason for shooting someone is legit.