Nope, still going to use proper punctuation. It annoys me to no end when people write long strings of text, out of which I have to guess where commas and periods are, because they’re too lazy or too in touch with internet linguists, to include them.

I'm happy to see that incels are finally classified as extremists. About time!

You know, I left episode 7 with the realization that she was the Boba Fett of the Sequel Trilogy, which left me a little sad, knowing that this meant she was unlikely to be fully fleshed out on screen.

1) It could indeed be a “Nauðr” runes (“Nauđiz” is proto-Germanic, which hadn’t been spoken for 800+ years at the time), but given that using it alone would basically curse the sword (to a Viking that believed in Norse mythology, it meant “distress”, “need” or “oppression”) and given that it’s identical to a common

Literally look anywhere... This isn’t a new revelation or even a controversial idea.

Statistically speaking, people with clinical depression are the most likely (out of all people with mental illness) to hurt others, while people with schizophrenia are the least likely to hurt others. But news media and Hollywood movies would love to show it’s the other way around, though.

This type of boy is not going to consider anything a relationship, unless he’s with someone that treats him like a god among men, is dumber than slowly drying wet paint, and looks like an exceptionally sexy hentai character.

There’s 440 species of sharks (most of which are too small or too specialized to attack humans in anything but self defense) and 8 species of bears... Surely, drawing a parallel between them isn’t fair to either side.

Holy shit, that guy sounds like he’s the Polonium-210 of toxic masculinity! I feel genuinely sorry for whomever he manages to lure into a relationship.

I can enjoy a movie on the second viewing, but i usually wait 1-2 years so that some plot point have been forgotten, but that’s mainly got to do with having a above average memory... The enjoyment is significantly lessened in comparison with the first time, though. But if it’s the right movie, it can be nice to rewatch

Wait, purple? A colors that’s historically associated with emperors because the Byzantine Empire and Feudal Japan, independantly adopted it as a color only an emperor could wear?
How in the world do these nutcases draw parallels between a feminist conspirary and the imperial color?

I saw that study when it came out and tested it on myself, by renting 3 movies I was interested in seeing and then finding spoilers. And even when straining myself to remain open minded and trying to find some way to enjoy knowing some important part of the plot, having those spoilers absolutely ruined those movies

All trailers have been spoilers for me for the last decade, thanks to having seen enough movies and TV shows, to be able to guess 90+% of somethings from increasingly fewer details. Hell, before that it used to be a game i played with a few friends, where we’d watch the first 15 minutes of a movie, guess the plot from

As one foreigner who can recognize fake accents, it’s not only grating to me, it’s sad that they cared so little for authenticity that accents are thrown by the wayside.
In this modern age of instant communication across the globe, it’d take mere minutes to check the pronounciation of pretty much any word, and only a

First correct usage of that line, I’ve ever seen... And I’m Danish, so I’ve heard it waaaaay too many time from English speakers who think they’re being clever.

There was a huge kerfuffle over the ownership, as Madsen was the only non-engineer on a team of 6-7 people who built the sub, and none of them had put any money into it. But he bought them out and became the official owner (then he started to act as if he built it all by himself).

Oh, it gets weirder... As a native Dane that lives near where this happened, I’ve been following this with some interest.

It’s hard to judge since we’re effectively looking at it from a distance.

No worries. We’ve all been there, and we all had that moment of “ah fuck” in the end. ^_^

Definitely... But shield can be aerodynamic when held right and then be brought into a defensive position when needed. And neither Cap not Wonder Woman ever reached a running speed that’d make the drag all that bad.