Excactly. It would look more like this. (old Syd Mead design called VEX)

since he appears to be french, him yelling “superdick” with an accent and cigarette is the funniest thing I’ve thought about today

They’re terrorists.

I always enjoy it whenever a dictionary decides to weigh in.

Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.

Me, reading the headline: “Just how on earth does one manage to work in a racial slur while defending anti-vaccination comments - maybe it wasn’t really a slur and it’s all one big misunderstanding”

Perhaps this response is too late down the line. I found the images of this sword when researching a cosplay I was making for a historical battle, but then got curious about the runes/designs and tried to research them. I’m commenting on your post because you seem to have the most enlightened view of it. Could you

Miyazaki is an animator who like many animator he literally works on his film frame by frame. Plenty anecdote where his animators have redrawn a scene over and over again to reach his standard

I mean if he was in a relationship he might not be so defensive about Roosh’s sex life.

Have you not seen what they consider masculine? The particular MRA that quote came from poses with guns, dresses like Anton Levay, shills testosterone cream because he’s convinced men today have an epidemic of low testosterone, has a little skull he puts behind him in every shot and argued with a bunch of other

having those spoilers absolutely ruined those movies for me.

Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.

Oh, fascinating. I thought I’d read that there was a huge kerfuffle over the ownership, which I’d figured might have been part of the interest by Wall in reporting this. Those tend to be good stories.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

Now playing

Oh yeah, definitely not real...but only not real in this specific way.

That’s weird, it looked way shorter to me, especially when it was on the display thing on Themisceria. Maybe it’s because she’s tall and wearing heels... I would have thought it was around a 2 ft blade (not including hilt).

I’m swallowing my pride on this one. You are correct, it is a parody. The article has been updated to clarify this, because I still think the video is awesome. Thank you for your diligence.

Yeah, main thought watching that scene was, “looks cool, not so practical for a quick draw. But its totally worth handwaving it for the thematic imagery here.” 

But that’s not how physics works. The harder and faster you run, the harder and faster the air is hitting the drag.

“Also, Luke isn’t the key to bringing down the Sith, Anakin is... Luke is just the asshole who brought the Force out of balance and enabled Knights of Ren to form!”