No twin. I was just a big fan of Norse mythology and all things Viking as a kid and always loved the name and the ass-kickery. Then I married a guy of Swedish descent and he independently picked it out too. Meant to be. :P

Omg. I will have to let my daughter Freja know about this. She is always mad that her name is never in songs.

You responded to an attack with a deadly weapon with your fist. Appropriate response. You did what you had to do to disarm her, and once you did, you ceased further violence. That’s a commensurate level of force.

What the fuck do you think “unconsensual sex” is? That is rape, dumdum.

i get you: i myself have spent many years studying psychopathology (as a layman) and abusive behaviour so as to become better at dealing with—or, preferrably, avoiding—dangerous people. it’s a bit of a “special interest” of mine. i understand wanting to be better informed because it helps you be better prepared.

They do it because they can. It reminds me of guys who cheat in online Videogames. They are mostly doing it because there is no one to stop them.

They do it because they know it isn’t all that risky — sex crimes have a low arrest rate and even lower conviction rate. Even the guy in the original story — he might have been arrested, but will the DA even take it to conviction and if so, what’s he going to get? A slap on the wrist?

They do it because they know all

making a human being into a toy, having complete control over their movements and their ability to remember what happened to them is what they are looking for. if it’s hard for you to understand, that’s a good thing. it means the mentality of pathological control is completely alien to you. you should be glad for that.

because rapists get off on control. it’s that simple—drugging someone gives them complete power over that person, to do with their bodies whatever they like with impunity (because they know the culture supports them and not their victim, who likely won’t be believed if she ever remembers what happened to her). it’s

Can you not see how your first paragraph and your last paragraph are contradictory? Someone, not identifying as a victim, says abuse is occurring. And people want to “take it with a grain of salt.” He doesn’t give enough details, it didn’t happen to him, etc. And what victims see is that people will be just as

I WILL cut any man who does this to me.

I was just telling my fiance, “If I ever saw anyone doing what this guy is doing, he’d end up in the hospital and I’d end up in jail.” I never considered claiming *he’d* attacked *me.* I like you.

I think ‘birds of prey’ is one of the most badass titles in the animal kingdom... and yes, looking at a falcon or eagle eyeball to eyeball lets you know that they are killing machines. Looking at a 6 foot tall ‘bird’ dino would be absolutely terrifying.

That’s not a knife...this is a knife...

Now playing

Some one doesn’t watch Last week tonight.

small sword out,

He’s pretty good about keeping people updated on the facebook page, much more so than the website. Progress is still slow, but at least there are some updates there.

I want Starship Troopers styled propaganda videos. Would you like to know more?

I want this to be real so bad!