What you’re talking about is actually called the Great Filter Hypothesis and it could very well be the case for the majority of species... But it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll never happen to anyone, as the “Filter” could be what forges a species into one better suited for space travel and/or actively keeps species

I completely agree... My own reply was focusing on an invasion scenario, including why they’d deliberately attack (they don’t need for anything, so an attack would be culturally motivated, in the sense that they have a culture that just wages war for the sake of war or they simply find our existence to be an affront)

Political commentary aside, if an alien species came here with the intent to kill us, we’d be extinct within minutes of their arrival, since the biggest hurdle in coming here is the travel time.

Wait, wasn’t the whole point of implying Palpatine did what he did, to reference historical revisionism by Neo-Nazi’s and their “Hitler did nothing wrong”?
If not, that’s at least how I read it.

Han Solo: Behind the Wookiee.

Excellent article, although it is struggling in one regard: “White people”.

No no no, if people are gonna do this, it should be done right...

Also, he left his wife and child, to hang out with his buddy and go on the biggest road trip ever...

Please, Mr. Han “Ossoff” Solo... The rebellion needs you, to defeat the Emperor!

I’m conflicted about the name, to be honest...

Internal versus external... Or biological versus the imaginative, if you will.

No, what’s truly sad is knowing who Jar Jar was supposed to be in early drafts... A street urchin, almost murdered by his father for not being the perfect son, battered and broken by a world that despised his seeming stupidity, only to run into a wayward Jedi that needed the street smarts of this starving Gungan. Yes,

Well, he was actually afraid of the impact of a full-scale conflict with us, but his perception of us was skewed, to say the least.

Just wear a hat with “FUCK Trump” on it... You’ll be treated like family!

We actually didn’t know we were handled with kid gloves, nor that it was done because Hitler actually feared outright attacking us, would trigger the Viking-ness he believes was in our blood and lead to a war scenario where we’d rather die killing them than surrender.
Don’t get me wrong, we would have lost an all-out

That’s not all we did!

Oh, we should be tolerant of his right to say what he wants, as long as he’s tolerant of our right to break his jaw and fingers until he can neither talk or write about that kinda insanity.

My great-grandfather killed Nazi’s while he was in the Resistance here, so I’m 100% okay with people finding joy in punching a Nazi... Hell, if I punch a Nazi, I’d be the friendliest member of my family, to those fuckers.

We’ll never whom this anonymous hero was... Guess he or she will just have to lurk in the shadows until the world needs them again.