The good thing about that tank is that it’s so anti-camouflage, that it’ll be the first fired upon by enemy troops!

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve got a memory easily capable of remembering all those names after 1 viewing.

What!? To someone from 1000 CE, a Dorito would be seen as a piece of thin stale flatbread, Cinnamon Toast Crunch would be presumed to be another delicacy reserved for kings and emperors, and Twinkies would just be another cream cake... None of them are uniquely modern and only neolithic humans would be confused by the

Instead of being the “Spirit of Vengeance”, he’s the “Spirit of Peace”!

The more things change, the more they stay the same... Yeah, we all wondered what the fuck that means, but it turns out it means that no matter what happens, humans keep being humans... Stoned, giggling humans, seeking bliss instead of war, when war seems more looming than ever. ^_^

I’m not saying overdoing it is correct, merely that it has to be done. Had i said that a soldier must sometimes aim and fire a rifle, i don’t mean they have to go rambo and level a city with bullets alone.

I’m not an actor... And i don’t wanna be one!

No, that shithead clear went in with about 90% more effort than needed and those first 10% was clearly him trying to be a bipolar gangster.

Well, isn’t that basically their job!? I mean, if waltz onto a stage and pretend to be a prince who’s dad died, you sure as fuck aint gonna pull off Hamlet. To be hamlet, you have to emote, realistically, someone contemplating suicide and then opting to solve your dad’s murder, in a court full of shifty characters in

That’s a dangerous idea, since it assumes all members of group 1 who doesn’t admit to X, are lying about X.

I know this comment will be delegated to the greys (5+ years of commenting here and still in the greys) and that what I’ve gone through in life doesn’t compare, but if it’s not too presumptuous, I’d love to share what wisdom i do have.

If only they hadn’t been indoctrinated to think empirical evidence and science is synonymous with “opinion”...

Ahahahaha... Just goes to show they understand fuck all about genetics!

I like Twitter because it’s Laconic and that’s an interesting philosophical idea to be... Laconism is basically the idea that the less you say, the more likely it is to be true, as lies take more words to spin into what you’re saying.

Pfff... “White Genocide” would be a Finish death metal band!

Yup... Over the last few months, the only people I’ve seen complain about the existence of “safe spaces”, are also the only people I’ve seen calling for strict enforcement, and protection, of “safe spaces”. Those people are the Alr-Right!

You’re not alone, as there are plenty like you of every gender, color, creed, and nationality, including me.

I disagree wholeheartedly! Not only is the greatest defense against these kinda people to drag them into the light of day and make their insanity obvious (much like the greatest defense against con artists isn’t knowing they exist somewhere, it’s knowing where, when, why and by what means they’ll con you), but the

I’m not saying or suggesting that Nintendo is in over their heads, I’m suggesting that their market plan is to be small at this point.

Good point... And these “unique” lil’ things are biologically related to us if we go far enough back, so any would be alien visitors to drop by one day, might be even stranger.