Yeah, TT has been loosing its glamor and draw, especially with computer games being easier and cheaper to make.
I’m personally hoping someone will make something akin to ARMA (an extremely flexible FPS game, that’s built specifically for modding and scenario construction, since it was originally a war zone simulator

That’s what i was thinking... Built a scenario wherein the GM’s first action is to make all non-female characters into women, and introduce immediate and obvious systemic drawbacks in how NPC’s treat the characters, while any leanings towards power fantasies only worsen it.
To win, they have to prove that they’re

*pops on monocle and adjusts mustache* Women do face adversity is any male dominated subculture or environment, as well as in many parts of modern day society. But unfortunately the war against this idiotic bias has to be fought 1 battlefield at the time, with tactics measured and shaped for each individual field, as

I agree wholeheartedly, though i can’t comment on how women roleplay in general, since - at least here in Denmark - women tend to gravitate more towards LARPing than TT. So my experience on the topic is sadly limited, making the female perspectives in this comment section invaluable.
Actually, i think it’s been over a

It’s sad when fools who doesn’t know what they’re talking about, hide behind pseudo-intellectualism and big words, just to make their ill-concieved opinions look thoughtful.

Fascinating. I always play characters that start out with as non-descript a set of skills and attribute as possible, while making the personality something either foreign or directly off-putting to me, so i can explore a person who’d very much not be me and make decision in their head space, including bad choices

Maybe that’s the answer... He left over a cramped budget (and later jokes about it) and they hire someone who can stretch a small budget!

Teamwork: It builds pyramids and makes all threesomes work!

The games I’ve played has mainly had the sexual stuff arise from the players, with the GM’s sexual scenarios playing out more like a stale game of chess. And we’ve all played a mix of genders and sexual tempers, so it’s not like there’s never been ample opportunity for the GM’s to get into it.

Good. This is exactly the way things should be done! It neither shies away from sexuality and it’s place in realistic world building, nor panders to one demography with blatant porn.
I’d probably include a few more boobs than what’s suggested that the 5th Edition will have, but largely in ways that are neutral or

Interesting... This actually touches on an idea I’ve been toying with of late, that maybe there’s no such things as male- or female power fantasies, it’s just power fantasies, since both feature physical indomitability, sexual perfection (by current cultural standards), super-competent intelligence, and larger than

The red snakes are clearly swarming the blue one, which - if this map represent the total population of American Kaiju Snakes - means the blue one is facing certain extinction!

Cynicism is the mask of the powerless, to allow themselves a out against actually changing the things they secretly care about.

I’ve got 911 on the line, so the ambulance will pack enough to treat his burns!

They did manage to make the harbor delightfully tea flavored!

Epidemics also burn through entire population and wolves eat people... Doesn’t mean we should accept things as they are and do fuck all to make fix shit.

I think we all feel like Han Obama right now....

Wow... Had he been smart, he could have invested the money, payed back the overdraft, and nobody would have noticed that he basically got a blank check loan! Heck, he could still be using the glitch to this very day, by using a bit of careful balancing and smart investing.

Indeed... It should also be pointed out that the hype-only production the article is so miffed about, isn’t really hype outside of tech journalism. I’ve spoken to countless programmers, UI designer, game devs, and even Mixed-Reality enthusiasts, who’ve never heard about Magic Leap. And the general public is completely

I didn’t say “annoyed”, i said “rage inducing”... I completely get why this is annoying, but a lot of people seems to treat this as if Pebble just gave every customer cancer.