Oh, but they are for the American workers and work tirelessly to make things better for that very group... Only problem is that they think the only one’s who do any work are the multi-millionaires, while the rest are simply lazy parasites mooching off the 1% that “work”.

The price of one’s birth, one’s inclusion in a society, and one’s rights is simple: Fight to make the world better.

If you have breath left in your lungs, you have a human obligation to stand up against those who’d see the world burn.
And if you have children, you have an absolute obligation to make their future better than your past.

I think it might be time for America is update its views...

I won’t say no to a hug, even though I’m perfectly fine with my condition. ^_^

Hey, when you play with exothermic reactions, you best expect damage to your epidermis. ^_^

How is this rage inducing, at all? The company went under, they’re refunding what they can, their existing products aren’t magically covered, and they didn’t tell customers that they were doing poorly, all of which has been standard behavior for every company on Earth as far back as i know... And it’s not as if any of

That’s a bit of an overreaction, isn’t it!? I mean, sure, fuck Pebble for collapsing and not properly informing their customers of the impending collapse, but why switch to a company that makes an inferior product, using a manufacturer widely known for inhumane and borderline human rights violating working conditions?

Don’t worry... One day you’ll meet that special gall who’ll rap battle you all night long, til the both of you are worn out and unable to mutter a word.
She’ll probably also have sex with you, but be a gentleman and finish the rapping first!

Good news then [INSERT NAME HERE], because i can make sure those helpful people don’t ever bother you again! All i need is your social, address, credit card information, pin codes, home security codes, and firstborn, in order to confirm you are who you say you are.

Cynicism is the mask used to hide a sense of powerlessness and deflect responsibility for overcoming it.

I’ve gotta say this, but just like your casual institutionalized racism, America has casual anti-intellectualism and this is what happens... Facts are suddenly an opinion and people start treating random incoherent shit as legitimate information.

Woah, woah, WOAH... Hold your horses! I’ve actually got the diagnosis of Paranoid Schizophrenia (I’m not even joking), and what i read about this conspiracy sounded way more crazy than what I’ve heard, while in treatment in a psych ward. Even the craziest delusions still hold a thread of internal logic and this

Well, now that Supreme Leader and Führer for Life Trump is soon to hold power, he’ll be building databases of everyone who aren’t hardcore fanatics of the thousand year Trump Dynasty, and that list might prove... Troubling for those who like freedom.

From your lips to Kojima’s ears!

Never has a more appropriate and on point gif been shared.

I’m an agent in the FBI (Female Breasts Inspector), so there’s no need for inspecting my wallet, as we’re from different branches of the same regulatory body... Carry on, my fellow colleague.

I’ve had worse burns from lukewarm water...

I’ll let you have this one, but only because we nerds rule the world and you other guys need a little break once in a while. ^_^

More like hubris! They wanted the spine in there to prove their devotion to the Old Ones and to allow everyone a public space for sanity sacrificing, but those things are meant to stay in dark personal spaces for a reason!