Half of my friends are girls and there’s absolutely no tension or problem separating friendship and sex... Hell, I’ve seen some of them in various stages of undress and it might as well had been one of my male friends wearing boxers, since i know they weren’t undressed to excite or invite in anything.

Not only haven’t i seen that video, the fact that a “scene” and a “moment” is roughly the same thing, makes me not wanna seek it out... Well, they’re roughly the same in the sense that all “moments” are scenes, and different in that scenes aren’t necessarily a “moment”.

My country’s minimum wage is roughly 17,5 dollars and we adjust said minimum wage every 6 months to match the buying power of our currency, so that one 38 hours a week job is capable of paying all bills, purchase all necessities, and have enough left over for fun and one’s savings account... Nobody gets fired, young

That’s the problem with trying to read subtext, as you’ll often find yourself over-interpreting a text rather than decoding the meaning behind it... For one, i didn’t even touch on the subject of boundaries, but merely the madness of assuming offense and protecting highly unlikely hypothetical persons from it.

Here’s the thing... The only people who talks about and actually wants both “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings”, are the same people whining about their existence. And the funny thing is that neither “safe spaces” or “trigger warnings” actually exists, in the way the vast majority of people wrongly believe them to

It’s much worse than mental illness, as you can actually contract and spread racism.

That’s even worse, since we’re now making assumptions about hypothetical parent’s reactions to vulgar language, when they’re in a hypothetical and fairly novel situation of reading aloud their Facebook feed to their children. Not only would that require assuming people can’t self-censor their speech on the fly,

Any kid old enough to read, will know what you meant and will have known the word “fuck” for years at that point... Hell, kids don’t even care a 10th as much about the word as the average adult, since they have no innate context for the word (a vulgar word related to sexual intercourse), nor do they have a lifetime of

While I’m all for using vulgarity - sparingly - to emphasize a point or an argument, what you’re talking about is basically “Well, our enemies does it, so why don’t we 1up them?”, which is all sorts of wrong.
And it doesn’t even matter on whom side you’re on, because winning in an ideological war by becoming what you

From someone who’s family was in the resistance movement during WWII Nazi occupation, I say this: Hold the line, keep your values even if it means death, and never give up... NEVER give up, because these kinda people will faulter, stumble and fall!

Now playing

Sounds like America needs Australia’s new Crocodile Dundee, because he knows what to do about a car crash!

Yeah, the younger mice actually experienced accelerated aging, but that effect was reversed by cutting the connection, just like the older mice who returned to their original state.

You’re correct in asserting that they never reversed aging, as much as they simply negated some effects on it, but everything else is... Incorrect, to some extent.

Well, it never reversed aging to begin with, it only negated some of the side-effects of the aging process, all of which returned to their former state as soon as the supply was cut off.
Saying it reverses aging, is like saying cocaine cures chronic fatigue, in that both return the second a steady supply ceases.

Given that the lance is suppose to be held with the arm facing away from the opponent (as you’d otherwise hit them with no effort and your shield wouldn’t do anything to protect you due to the angle, creating nothing but dead knights), that’d mean left side drive cars would have to be on the left side of the divider,

Yes they do, but sculpting armor around them negates the armors ability to protect a human body, which is why real world armor does not cup breasts and leave that job to bras underneath.

No, those images show that they use vibrant colors to direct focus, as BvS was both dark and muted in terms of backgrounds and anything unimportant.
Hell, the most vibrant of all of them is the one from the Indian Ocean and it’s color comes from the fact that our focus is supposed to be on what might be under the

Suspending your disbelief isn’t just some conscious choice, it’s a continuous effort wherein you’re suspended between your pre-frontal/frontal cortex’s reasoning, your long-term memory’s associations of or to real world things, and your instinctual reflex to either find the unnatural/novel comical or a direct threat

Yeah, that lifetime ally, closest trading partner, and polite peace loving nation is nothing but bad news! It’s probably all some 300 years long con, to lure the US into a false sense of security and then... BOOOM! All of North America are polite French speakers, pining for poutine and maple syrup!

True... And they do it with such vigor and conviction, that pleading from the army/airforce/navy for no more (since there’s now billions of dollars worth of equipment that’s just rusting away, because nobody needs it and nobody’s allowed to resell it), falls completely on deaf ears.