In their defense, Republicans have been all about constructive things... But that promptly stopped around the same time Theodore Roosevelt formed his own party, in the 1910's.

Seems legit.

Good for you... But most of the world cannot share in your joy, because Google’s new dedication to exclusivity and a premium experience, means the majority of old Nexus users will never get a Pixel, unless we import it at a premium price and are willing to go through the headache of setting up the phone to be able to

Oh, I’m sorry... Was this your safe space and did reality inconvenience you in it?

I never said it died, but it’s definitely not where it used to be...

I didn’t forget about it, i just wasn’t too familiar with the counter-CCA culture of America, being a European myself... But some of this still seems to be under the “unless imported on a personal basis” bit, to some extent.
Nonetheless, this is very interesting and i wanna find more on this, as it warms the part of my

So who’s in charge of stopping the supervillain Trump, from wrecking America? It’s usually Daredevil’s job, but Luke Cage seems to be in charge of Trumps home territory, while Vision is in charge of Trumps target.

Oh, i didn’t mean to suggest it was all over, but merely that European comics are more of a small niche now and not the juggernaut it used to be.

I still hold that if a fictional story about time travel includes actual time travel, it would be an amazing feat for the ages! It’d literally be transcending time!

Oh yeah... I haven’t read those comics for almost 2 decades, despite absolutely loving them! I think it’s time to brush up. ^_^

If so, it’d be a feat for the ages, since Valerian came out 27 years before Babylon 5 and lived on 12 years after Babylon 5 had ended...

No, they were too European... Or, more specifically, America was under an insanely strict regulatory board called the Comics Code Authority, after America panicked over the influence of comics, erroneously thinking that comics was brainwashing their children.
Europe, on the other hand, had an advisory system that

It’s to be expected, as much of your brain’s circuitry has been overloaded and subsequently rewired, both while you became addicted and when you dropped that addiction... And an opioid is especially bad at doing this kinda damage, since your entire brain has opioid receptors, making every part equally at risk for long

DO NOT do any substance recreationally, until you’ve thoroughly researched it (including reading actual studies) and come to an informed conclusion that whatever side effects there may be, you’re as ready and willing towards them as the primary recreational effect.
I don’t care if you’re thinking about vaping nicotine,

You do realize that Assange has become nothing more than a figurehead by now, since his longterm asylum made him distribute responsibility and power among Wikileaks members more able to move around without restriction. Hell, for the last 1-2 years, he’s been nothing more than their celebrity founder and mascot.

So they’re adapting a 2 year old failed pilot turned movie, into a new pilot and possibly a TV series, on a network infamous for cancelling things... I know Gaiman is working on it, but this sure as fuck sounds like something we should not get our hopes up about, and I’m saying that as someone who fucking loved the

Better to have a cross universe webcrawler, that seeks out and download all movies with an aggregated score of 80%+, transfer them to our universe, and puts them on a server in your living room!

What makes you think all exist in one single universe or that their universe’s sequels aren’t shit? Given how rare good sequels are, you’ll like have to look through millions of universes for 1 good sequel that we don’t have (be that based in ours being bad or non-existent).

For all we know, they did do that and then went “But without whatever made it do badly in the states”, confusing all the people unwilling or unable to do the research needed to 1up Pacific Rim at being the best MMPR. ^_^

Oh yeah, we can’t forget that important plot twist that was always there. ^_^