I didn’t say they were all interesting and i even finished by saying it wasn’t perfect at all...

It’s there, isn’t it?

No, a remake is - by definition - the whole ordeal remade, and while there’s definitely a requirement for keeping the names and some elements of the story, they can basically do whatever they want.
A reboot would require them to just start over and film a new versioon of the first movie/episode, but a remake just

Let’s just hope future Supreme Leader Trump’s and/or his Crown Prince son’s secret police force doesn’t discover this comment of yours in the future, because what Trump is gearing up for is definitely not a democracy!

As long as they make sense within the story, who cares!?

I know... Literally the only thing worth being nostalgic about is that sweet theme song and that’s about it... Especially now that we’re all grown up and finally know it was 50% random 90's teen sitcom and 50% dubbed Japanese superhero show, awkwardly mashed together to sell us toys.
Hell, i loved MMPR as a kid and had

Kuze was also wiped from all records, after being assumed dead on a black ops mission, right after getting his body for said mission... The whole reason he came out of nowhere and was unstoppable, was because only 1 person knew who he was and what tech was in him, and that guy was pretty much the master of keeping

Go watch all of Ghost in the Shell, then... Seriously, it’s by far the best franchise in all of anime and the best sci-fi you can get your hands on! Hell, it’s easily right up there with Star Wars and Star Trek, for a shared 1st place.

Excellent points, especially when we consider that the earliest/youngest incarnations of the Major have always known where she came from and why she’s all prosthetic, with the viewers being the only ones kept in the dark because she never found it important to dwell on... Even in Arise or the flashbacks to her time in

Not an American either, and i second that.

With Trump, accidents are especially likely to happen, as long as it includes beautiful women! And i bet there at least 1 lovely woman in America, who’s willing to wear panties with poisoned needles on the outside and let Trump grab her lady bits.

Roll for initiative!

But with a Facebook memorial instead of heaven... And then rest shall inherit the Earth, so I’m going to go help myself to my neighbor’s belongings and Mad Max up my ride!

They told me not having a Facebook account is like being dead to the world... Well, jokes on them, because I just survived the culling by virtue of me finding Facebook’s business practises deplorable!

Check out his budget plan, because it’s a shining example of just how massively inept a businessman he is... Even with the most optimistic numbers and outcomes, it’s going to slightly enrich the middle class (by a few hundred dollars a year) and attract some jobs, but it’s also going to massively increase

I’d say people need to wake up and realize that Congress holds very little power, after the rulings on things like Citizens United v. FEC and the passing of a plethora of laws over the last 2 decades, all of which have essentially made America a pseudo-democracy wherein the riches Americans can legally bribe their

No, and we need to stop this bitterness and crying right now, because the person who’ll plummet America into ruination, and possibly even end the Western world along with it, has been elected POTUS, so now it’s all of humanity’s job to fix shit, run interference, and make sure he doesn’t end us!

Let’s break this down, shall we...

Exactly... We can only hope he’s only a tenth the idiot he’s displayed and won’t follow through with the vast majority of his campaign promises, because otherwise we’re looking at the man who’ll throw the world into chaos.

Which should hint at what my analogy meant...