I’m not French, the immigration backlash already peaked and things have been cooling down for months, and while the debt crisis was bad, the worst is behind us and we’re currently rebuilding through massive reforms to the exposed weaknesses... We’re not anywhere nearly as badly off as America and we’ve got our own

Here’s an idea of a sequel, off the top of my head...

As a European, I’ve been comparing this to seeing your father be swallowed up by dementia... America was once the greatest and most successful experiment in democracy, a titan of industry that nobody could curtail, and the unyielding sword of justice, but now it’s just angry, forgetful, lashing out at random, sexist,

Hm... I had a gnawing feeling that those piano numbers were covers of something, since the musical style sounded anachronistic... But since i didn’t recognized any of them, i assumed it was all pop music from the last 2 decades or just me not understanding the music styles of the Old West.

Some say that’s why he doesn’t appear to be too bright!

Excellent points...

That’s why a wider context is needed, instead of just looking at home videos and a teacher going “Remember that this person did bad things!”.

The book is as much a critique of militarism as the movie, as Heinlein’s style of ctitique was an in-depth look from the inside of something wrong, through the eyes of someone who doesn’t question it, in order for us - the reader - to get familiar with the idea of question things we take for granted.

Keep going and lower the even smaller face as far down as you can go... It’ll look horrifying! ^_^

Laughing Man!?

Hehe, yeah... My own surname is an earned title that hasn’t existed for over 1000 years, as people with it adopted it as a surname, thereby making it inheritable and pointless to bestow on anyone. My moms maiden name is a patronym, so somewhere far down her branch of the family tree, someone get it from their dad and

“Țepeș” is Old Romanian for “impaler” or “one who impales” and it didn’t appear until 24 years after his death, as a sarcastic footnote about his favored method of execution for prisoners of war (we now know that he probably didn’t use it more than once, though).
His full name, in modern English, would be “Vlad III,

...a terrifying time capsule of just how ordinary the most evil men in history can appear.

You need to share said stories, because I’m intrigued as all hell now! ^_^

This is exactly what a good science fiction of fantasy show should do: Take very real problems and issues outside of our present bubble of existence (aka, things both temporally and physically distant from you), put them in a context that makes them obvious and impossible to look away from, and leave you set on either

What you wrote is - by far - not the craziest things i’ve heard from fundamentalist theists, so in combination with written language’s difficulty in conveying sarcasm, it’s easy to erroneously assume you were being sincere.

Poe’s Law, huh?

Didn’t even mention him, so that’s all in your head.

While the Book of Genesis never mentions angels (likely because they were a later addition to the mythology, as they’re effectively a plagiarized version of the Ancient Egyptian “divine messengers”), they’re later established to have come after the 4th day, but before animals and humanity was created on the the 6th