As i see it, you taught her something absolutely vital, in the least scary and traumatizing way possible. So no matter how hard it was, you did the right thing!

But that’d also make it the birthday of all other angels...

No, you’re thinking of the chassis. The transmission is made of the last breathe of dragons, each of which weight in at 0,81 grams.

Here’s a crazy idea... What if they got Matt Ryan to play Constantine, and not a new incarnation of Constantine, but the exact same one who appeared in the Constantine series and in Arrow?
Not only is he an excellent Constantine, but DC could thoroughly 1up Marvel’s Cinematic Universe with a Cinematic Multiverse...

Siblings taketh away and the universe giveth them what they deserveth... My ruling still stands, so keep that in mind the next time she’s having a moment that’ll become a precious memory for the rest of her life, allowing you to swoop in and tackle her to the ground. ^_^

Wow, she broke at least 3 sacred rules of siblinghood, so I’m officially declaring that you’ve got 3 free punches/kicks, to be administered at your leisure and for which she cannot complain.
And those things are good for life, so if you wanna suckerpunch her or Charley horse her leg, as she walks up the aisle at her

I’m assuming you did so because of its jaw. They actually got the idea for that feature from sharks, who do the exact same thing in order to bite off chucks of prey bigger than what a fixed jaw would allow for.
Fish kinda have the same ability, but that’s got more to do with their jaw being foldable, while shark’s

Exactly! Telling them not to video themselves for our amusement as they’re caught, it like telling a murderer how to properly get rid of forensic evidence... Nobody wins, besides the assholes!

Obviously, it was sharks, on the back of crocodiles, throwing dingoes that bark spiders! The truth is out there... Or is it down there?

And i wouldn’t be surprised if said shark attack from 80 miles from any water source bigger than bottled water, as Australia is the continent of things that kill humans very efficiently, when you least expect it!

“Death by misadventure” sounds a little too Victorian, to the point where I’m picturing monocle-clad adventurers not surviving an expedition somewhere.

The thing in Prometheus is called a “Deacon”, both in the script and by the people on set. “Neomorph” was the fan-name, until they got corrected by Ridley Scott, who also ended the debate over what it meant, by saying it had no connection to “Xenomorphs” besides having been made by the same species of bio-engineers.

You can thank the merchandising people and fans for it, as the name was very much meant to be a blanket term for any alien life.

Canonically they’ve been informally named “creature”, “serpent”, “beast”, “dragon”, “monster”, ”a nasty”, “a thing” and “Xenomorph”, with the last one sticking. But the species’ binomial name is actual “Internecivus Raptus” (murderous thief), according to the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set’s commentary track.
But since

Well, it neither sounds like a Xenomorph or a Deacon, nor does it have the life cycle of either, so why are we considering that “Neomorph” is a new name for “Xenomorph”, when it’s more likely that it’s the name for a new lifeform... Especially since “Neomorph” literally means “new lifeform”!

No... The relationship described in the article is not a healthy one by any extent of definition, as he suddenly started obsessing about something to the point of an all consuming obsession, and once she decided to support him wholeheartedly, he shut down and refused to share anything, after which she has to resort to

Yup... I saw the headline and thought “Five years!? Definitely fake!”.

That’s not what a Tulpa is... In Buddhism, where it’s from, anyone but a Buddha or a Bodhisattva (someone an incarnation away from being a Buddha) do not have the wisdom, power, and enlightenment to manifest a Tulpa, which is still nothing more than a puppet used to teach people vital lessons about Buddhism.

I don’t know how much help this is, but a few years ago i had a massive problem with pigeons on my balcony, as the little f*ckers liked using it as a toilet and even a fighting pit when fighting over mates, slowly filling the place with shit and feathers. Scaring them off did f*ck all, as city life had made them large

Well, from the beginning, smartwatches have had the fatal flaw of not actually being anything... Sure, they’re tiny-screened and low-tech versions of a smartphone and a fashion statement, sometimes with 1-2 sensors that a smartphone doesn’t have, but as they sell for half the price of a smartphone and only have all of