Yeah, it sounds like it was less Loki and more Murphy’s Law that was the problem during your visit. On the plus side, bad vacation experiences often make for better stories when you get back home. ^_^

Ignoring the fact that developing a artificial womb for mammoths would have little benefit in developing one for humans (we might be the same class as them, but the requirements are vastly different), i think you’re underestimating the massive requirements needed to develop an artificial womb, one of which would be

Yeah, i think they need to polish up the language and call it something like “limited procreational disability” or at least put it in a category of “societal disability”.

It does still apply and we’re witnessing its effects in people born with HIV immunity and hundreds of other traits.
But unfortunately, the progress we’ve made that allows for sick babies and handicapped people to not die as fast as they become so, also keeps those “pining for natural selection” among us.

I’m not on Facebook, but should i ever plan on visiting Washington, DC, I’ll make and account and message you well before i arrive... Then you can introduce me to how American BBQ is supposed to be and where to get myself some ancient ales. ^_^

Yeah, your alcohol prohibition was an utter failure, especially at the point where the government forced ethanol producers to deliberately poison their products with methanol, which caused way more damage than alcohol had done pre-Prohibition.
The history of your Prohibition is actually one of the reasons why I’m

The beer market in Denmark has been kinda strange, as its been dominated by Tuborg and Carlsberg for so long, that they’re just synonymous with beer here, so along with the old laws completely outlawing any form of home brewing (introduced because WWI and WWII saw a sharp rise in improperly filtered home brewing, as

Excellent points, though i have to point out that there’s a reason why generations are divided into handheld and console, as the handheld’s lower price always mean they outsell consoles.

Don’t get me wrong, i have nothing against handhelds, but when i wanna play a game i prefer a large screen and a comfortable in-door place to do so, making most of Switch’s features rather pointless.

I say we make this images canon, as the earliest years of DC’s Cinematic Universe’s Wonder Woman... Adorable and ready to fuck up your shit!

I agree... Especially since all the hype and expectation around this, has been that we’d finally get an actual console from Nintendo, after getting the fun and low-tech Wii and the incredible failure of the Wii U (it failed because nobody knew what it was or why they should buy it, with most people thinking it was a

Yeah, i really should have been clearer with that statement. I was paraphrasing the researchers who researched the recipe’s viability, as they and the brewmasters found it utterly unpalatable, even though they tried over 40 times, thinking they’d screwed up somewhere.
They also noted that the brewmasters, on their

Just wait until people start pitting different landmarks against each other, and end up in a fiery debate about whether the Notre Dame or the Sistine chapel is a rook, or heatedly debating about which of the Pyramids of Giza are the king and queen.

The cave art we’ve found can be divided into 2 general categories: Religious and educational.

They didn’t discover it, as much as they invented writing and wrote down the recipe... Remains of fermented cereal-based alcohol have been dated back over 6500 years before the foundation of the Babylonian Empire, and it’s probably humanity’s oldest beverage that isn’t plain water or tea.
There are even mentions of

Now playing

It’s been some time since i read it, but i know there’s a TED video with one of the researchers who found he, and the team, was related to Obama... Here you go. ^_^

If someone tells you bear traps exist, it’s not their fault if you decide to body slam a loaded one. ^_^

Given that this is a fast-spreading mystery condition, they’re not searching for anything, as much as they’re looking for everything and then meticulously ruling out things one by one.
Standard procedure post-9/11.

I wish i could give infinite stars for someone knowing about Symphony of Science, but like an apple pie i first have to invent the universe and then nudge causality to make it happen down the line. ^_^

Too-much-free-time-so-you-decided-to-write-your-diagnosis-upside-down-chosis? ^_^