Gawker was good in the sense that they were brutally honest and unabashed. Sometimes this lead to inane or pointless articles, but whenever they were met with an important or interesting story, they reported on it with diligence to that unabashed honestly.

Wow, it’s almost like you replied to my comment and not to whichever hidden meaning you seemed to have pulled from thin air!

Sexual/physical freedom increase and decrease throughout history and across nation, but you’re right in that nobody has been this “free” and nobody probably have.

And so, we bear witness to the end of an era of freedom, and the beginning of an era of self-censorship... Now, we’ll never know when you’re speaking freely or when you’ve been muzzled.

Operating without currency is neither new, novel, or something the Mayans did. In fact, the vast majority of civilizations had no currencies or even a pseudo-currency, but operated purely on agreed upon values for various goods.

Hahaha... I like the way you think! ^_^

People like to think everything bad in the world has 1 cause and nothing else (for example, some think WWII happened solely because Hitler hated Jewish people), which is never the case in our complex real world.

Given what little (nothing) we know, here’s my prediction of the plot:

The whole problem with mob justice is that it attracts the wrong kinds of people, like those with a hero complex and those with nothing but hate in their heart. And once they join in, it will get dangerous for all parties involved, and no matter how much moral/ethical high ground the group originally had, it will all

This is definitely not good and it’s starting to include all involved parties...

I’m with you... I’d love a Time Trek spinoff from Star Trek, where we could get a complex interweaving story of spies, assassinations, infiltration, proxy wars, shadow armies, and timeships, across the vastness of both time and space.
As long as they don’t make it an episodic series of “Hey, remember this stuff you

Neelix got a Vulcan to dance, so you take that back!

Asthma is a complex thing and if you developed it as a healthy and non-smoking adult, chances are significantly higher that it came from an infection, exposure to allergen sources (cockroaches, dust mites, animal dander, fungi, etc), and/or months of inhaling much more volatile chemicals than the smoke from a burning

Flying cars exist and have for some time, but they’re illegal to use as a flying car, as they current fall under the category of small private airplanes... In other words, they can’t be flown through, over or close to cities, and require a pilot’s license.
So not the best comparison. ^_^

It’s definitely not a movie made for or aimed at kids, but i get your point.

Yeah, the whole fish out of water things should have been confined to act 2 in the first movie (the act between his banishment to Earth and Loki deciding to send the Destroyer after Thor), with the Avengers movie giving him occasional moments of culture shocks (the way an immigrant might have their first year) and

For the same reason people liked Deadpool, Zombieland or Game of Thrones (well, the initial factor, at least): It both blindsided and entertained viewers, with something that abandoned the formula we’re all kinda fed up with.

You’re assuming the 2 are in any way in competition with each other, when - in any properly run system - they actually have zero crossover.

Neither of them knows who was their biological mother, so Leia could have assumed that Anakin had an affair with Breha Organa.