Did she, though..? Because last i checked, a figuratively “broken heart” isn’t fatal, and loosing one’s “will to live” doesn’t do anything unless coupled with a fatal injury/trauma or a terminal condition.

Unfortunately, we live in an age where sexuality can only be smut, and games either have to be serious business or made for children... In other words, the medium still has a lot of growing up to do, and not the kind that leads to better graphics or mechanics, which have been most people’s measure of progress for way

No, the biggest problem with the “Fix-Everything Question” is that it assumes that “could” equals “should”, which is something that applies equally to all humans in the real world.

Boy, oh, boy, there are are lot of commenters getting all worked up over the use of “Devil’s Advocate”, when that’s the first kinda argument that any position should be able to stand up to... Ethics, morality, social contract, and so on, are all considerations that comes after a proper Devil’s Advocate. ^_^

I’ve never attended a con and to me they just seem like insanely expensive meetups that may (rarely) yield some interesting information on a favorite franchise, so whether all cons closed their doors tomorrow or continued on for a thousands years, it wouldn’t change anything from my point of view... But this kinda

Well, it all depends on how it’s depicted and who’s viewing it, and in GoT’s case they aren’t glamorizing it, while allowing the viewer plenty of time to absorb and reflect on why this isn’t okay.
Even when Cercei, the undoubtedly most evil and vile of all the female characters in GoT, was raped in a scene that most

I think GoT’s depiction of sexual violence is one of the greatest things that has happened for the fight against sexual violence, as they show really doesn’t glorify rape and always shows you how inhumane it is... But more importantly, the show itself has become massively popular and a global phenomenon, which means

Indeed... The horrible, horrible, better and cleaner future!

No, don’t do it!! I googled “Trump presidency” on June 15th 2015 and got the message “Initializing Infinite Improbability Drive...”.
24 hours later, Trump announced he would be running for president of the United States!

Vader is a F*CKING asshole! Please don’t tell him i said that!!!

To everyone freaking out, remember that this is a leak, which means it’s likely costume tests, with a sepia filter and some text slap on top of it... These kinda things are standard in pre-production and rarely display the final appearance of characters, since prosthetics are basically just plastic bits held on, and

But fundamentally, Lex has to be The Super(hu)man to oppose The Super(future)man, because while the issue at hand is philosophical, the comics aren’t an illustrated philosophy debate, they’re an illustrated allegory not unlike the tales of Ancient Greek Mythology.
As such, Lex (as a character) has to have earned his

I doubt he touched a drop of anything harder than club soda before going into the army, but you’re probably right... Which only goes to show how much he’d been drinking before hassling the princess!

Old Cap is from a different era and 98 years old, so i wouldn’t be surprised if a few drinks makes him a little handy and disrespectful, even towards royalty! But luckily, a spry and in-touch-with-the-times Spidey pull his ass out of the fire, before he disgraced the good name of S.H.I.E.L.D or got a Wookiee to the

I’m a guy and therefore obviously not in the group you’re asking this question to, but if i may add my 2 cents, I’d love to chime in...

I find it worse that others are clearly promoting this poor woman as an example of why porn is bad, which feels exploitative... To use someone who’s obviously and understandably got a very black-and-white view of this, and who’s lived through the onslaught of a prime example of an abusive monster, to promote willful

Excuse me for a second, I have to go put my head through a wall in frustration...

Yeah... I actually came here hoping for a chance to read a thermite level burn, but this is just... A step too far!

Oh, I completely agree... But you also have to cut them some slack, as superhero movies are still trying to reinvent themselves, in order to find that perfect balance between the campy shit many of us grew up with, and the gritty portrayals that seemed to be their avenue of revival for the genre... Deadpool hit all

Not a wholly unfounded interpretation, but it does bring up the questions about whether or not someone is truly arrogant if they’re correct, and to what degree pride and matter-of-fact/pragmatic speech turns into arrogance.