What dimensions are you taking about, because for the wormholes to be traversable or even detectable to us, both ends have to connect to the same 3+1 dimensions we live in... Especially since the 5+ dimension (there’s probably somewhere between 8 and 26 of them) aren’t spacial dimensions, which means they have no

Technically speaking, wormholes aren’t supernatural in any way, shape or form... But one opening up to a size wider than a photon, staying open for more than a fraction of a nanosecond, being traversable by 3 dimensional objects, connecting to some place that isn’t the vast cold void of space and happening more than

To me, he’s more an an angsty teenager with an inferiority complex and daddy issues, who read about Lex Luthor in a Silver Age comic book and decided Luthor was more Goth than being Goth, so he’ll just be like him to show the world how they should fear him... Who also happens to have the money to actually do something

Thank you. ^_^

I’ve already got a shaved head and i neither stutter nor waste time making weird noises, so I’m already 3 points ahead of Eisenberg in terms of Luthorness. ^_^

Nah, the Problem of Evil paradox only applies to the Abrahamic model of a “supergod”... Why Lex brought it up in BvS:DoJ is a bit of a mystery to me, since it’s basically just him saying “BTW, I’m also an atheist, so i doubly reject this seemingly all-powerful demigod”, making it nothing more than pointless

Haha... Yeah, it does feel like the modern era Lex Luthor, but that’s got more to do with the writers of modern version having the same source of inspiration as me: The real world’s philosophy of ethics.


The fact that he stays makes him the villain!

This is obviously just a black and white photo, given that the real “resurrection”costume is black and metallic chrome.

Actually, these small details is exactly what movies should do when it comes to costumes, as the only real world materials that’d move the way they do in comics, is liquid latex painted onto them, various tight polyester-polyurethane copolymers, and various other synthetic materials, all of which would rip easier than

Let’s be reasonable here and not blow things out of proportion... Those Pokemon Go player are getting a lot of exercise, which would lower the rate of heart problems by a few percent in the coming decades!

Well sorta, as this ties into the Taxonomy of Players that i touched on. If Pokemon was intended to discourage Achievers and Killers, in favor of only appealing to Explorers and Socializers, then the size of servers they’d set up would be adequate... But to assume those minor niches would be the only one’s drawn to a

Nah... You can be pretty damn sure that the last words that’ll ever be spoken by humanity, will be a highly sarcastic “Yes, that was an excellent idea!”. ^_^

I find this extremely fascinating as a case study, given that Niantic seems to have invented themselves a gold mine, before actively trying to shovel dirt into the mine and cripple their mining crew.

You can be pretty sure that any telecom corporation would laugh - heartily and long - at even the mere suggestion of this, before calling security on whomever suggested they actively alienate customers and stop them from using their phone, for playing some game on their phone.

Yeah... That’s like using playing cards to anything other than divination or using chess outside of educating military officers, which has never been done. ^_^

No, that’s not how things work, I’m afraid... Well, size of a nation is a large factor, but it pales in comparison to the legislation surrounding telecommunication or the internet, building regulations, city planning, and government involvement.

In this one case, South Korea’s size has nothing to do with it.

Well, there’s also no real place for us to speak our minds, as we’re expected to speak a certain way when addressing a specific type of men or when in a specific place, making Confessionals a minefield wherein out chances of being ignored or mocked is waaay to high.