That’s because you work with idiots and/or people who think quick replies are better than good replies.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Donald Trump funds NAMBLA, as his tight grip on his daughter’s hips and creepy comments about her, clearly state “Donald Trump funds NAMBLA” over and over.

Yeah, the final version is a self-contained closed loop, wherein the fiery temperatures generation from spite, ire, and delusional sense of personhood privilege, is used to heat water to a boil and then more a turbine to generate electricity.

Isn’t that a rare and exotic anti-particle, incompatible with matter in the real world and with no natural occurrence after the Matter/Anti-matter Annihilation Event at the dawn of the universe?

No no... He has to be made up of transforming fedoras, and call himself a DRA (Decepticon Rights Activist) member, who’s adamantly against equality between programming languages!

Optimus’ answer: Autobots.. Swole out!

Trump has already been summoned and Rio is already hell on Earth, so ship to chapter 3 on the tablet... Things can’t be resummoned until they’ve first vanished. ^_^

Please don’t! It’ll just summon me and I’m on vacation, so i don’t wanna have to re-fly to my chosen vacation spot, sitting in a chair that’s definitely not demon size friendly!

Notice that the article is talking about other known curse scrolls, and in this case one in Aramaic from what’s now Syria, which means it’s likely from the period in which Yahweh was a local Canaanite god of what we’d now call Israel... And back then, all of your neighbors worshiped evil spirits from your point of

I don’t care what consciousness altering substance you like and i think all of them should be legal, but if you can’t keep them away from children or can’t stop yourself from feeding them to people who do not want said substance, you’re not responsible or old enough to have any!

Of course THC can kill you... But thanks to luck and relatively low levels of THC in the substances people can get a hold of, there are no known cases of death by THC alone.

There is no such thing as THC poisoning because it isn’t poison to humans.

Personally, the breathe of customization options has never bothered me in my the same way, as i play quite differently from most. But as i know not everyone chose to play as someone different from themselves, and because i enjoy having a wider selection of options, I’m obviously for more variety.

And all those people with 2 bumps on their chest are merely actors in drag, paid by Big Automotors and glamorized by Hollywood.

Life is all about quality over quantity... Not that one should be neigh suicidal in their life choices, but what you’re doing seems like the equally unwise extreme on the other side of the spectrum.

I don’t play Pokemon Go, so if that’s enough of a difference to make my view irrelevant, please disregard the following...

Wait, this opens up an intriguing possibility, since calculation on the earliest point life could have arisen, not only found that the building blocks of life could form 14 billion years ago (right after the end of Cosmic Dark Age), but also discovered that the earliest 2 billion years of the universe was much more

But its planned out years in advance, and you guys all possess some way to communicate (internet, cellphones, snail mail, ham radio, smoke signals, yelling across a large room, etc), right!?
So how can you conceivably not be able to plan something out!?

Well, all superpowers would suck...

...like how he would cheat on his veganism if someone’s mom offered him a homemade cookie and he didn’t want to be rude...