Since he lost all his hair before the end of the 70's (before even hit 30) and hated the fake look of toupees, he himself has always sought older roles up until he could be cast his age.

What!? Hollywood was not the people who made clowns scary, they just jumped on to a emerging trend!

Exactly, you can’t true the...

You got to study things like the hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic from archival data? Lucky you!

That’s perfect! And remember: An apology letter is nothing but a shadow of sincerity, if it doesn’t feature an extravagant and complex signature at the end.
Now, i don’t know if Sütterlin feature a Thorn letter (Þ, þ), but for the sake of brevity and not wasting their time with too many letters (they are rather busy),

This will annoy most, but the first prototype for glassless, any light level 3D TV’s was built in 2005... The only reason we still don’t have it, is that it’s seen as a end-game feature that requires a permanent digital standard for 3D, so nobody’s willing to take the plunge until everyone’s agreed to a standard.

3D TV’s didn’t flop, the companies making the TV’s decided nobody wanted to release the first glassless 3D (especially since the industry have yet to finally a definite digital standard for 3D encoding and quality), so they put it on the backburner and got on to making UHD TV’s.

Google Home is always listening? Yeah, that’s still a hard pass!

You should have sent them an apology letter, written on old paper in an old school envelope, sealed with sealing wax. ^_^

No, I’m male and an adult... Monogramming everything will not only feel childish and self-centered, it’ll look childish and self-centered.

No, but as many have pointed out back when that episode came out, it could be a Force ghost and she seems to be falling to her knees, which - when consider alongside the Dave Filoni here on io9 - is clearly meant to leave her ultimate fate as ambiguous as it can get... And according to Filoni, answers will not come

I believe messing with Miss Kardashian can now officially be called “Pascal’s Wager”.

Had they not been presidents and just dudes going home, there would have been at least 1 joke about home having plenty of girls for to chat up! ^_^

Woah there Sheev, that’s your former apprentice you’re badmouthing! What, are you jelly because he survived dropping to his death and you didn’t?

Yeah, but... That’d be the absolutely most boring meaning of this, since Rebels seems set on expanded the new Canon (one of the reasons i really love the show) and exploring the what happened outside of the movies.

No, Snoke’s already been confirmed as having a hand in both the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, so even if we assume Snoke was some kinda insanely powerful prodigy that had a hand in the Clone Wars at age one, he’s still 4 years older than Ezra, who was born 3 years into the Clone Wars (2 days

Avatar the Last Airbender, Tales of Ba Sing Se episode... Why would you remind me of that, you horrible, horrible people!?

That’s why his hair looks so damn fake! It’s a cheap Ferengi hologram, hiding - let me see if i can pronounce this right- Denal of Drumpf Prime’s prominent brow and lobes!

2 quick questions...

Yeah, look at them breating as if air is a abundant resource, and polute their homeworld like everywhere’s a toilet! Savages!