Whether or not humanity should progress isn’t the question here, it’s what the laws current are, why they exist, what they means, and how they’re changing.

Think of it the other way around... If they just allowed anyone to rocket off and go start somewhere else, the majority of Earth’s smart people would be gone in a month!

Star Wars: Rebel’s season 2 finale!

GoT opening also have a reason to be there, as it shows where the episode is heading on the map, which gives you a much better understanding of how far people are from each other, in a wholly fictional world.

10 seconds is way to long... 2 seconds of something flashy is all that’s needed.

I don’t like streams or let’s plays with any face cam, as I’m there to watch what someone plays and not them playing it. Hell, when i play games with friends, then no matter if I’m watching them going through single player, or if we’re playing together, I’m not looking at them.
That’s why I’ve never watch any of such

Yeah, but i don’t think the article’s author quite gets the point of “outdated”... It’s actually one of cyberpunk’s strenghts over other sci-fi, all of which tend to look as if everything everywhere is no more than a decade old and all shiny, while cyberpunk actually goes out of its way to display the technological

Japanese fiction and culture has a much more relaxed idea of continuity in stories, with a single canon for a franchise considered more of a non-essential add-on and many considering it a direct hindrance to creativity.
The fighting game franchise Tekken would be an extreme example of this, as the creator has said all

Actually, Arise is an exploration of the foundation of Public Safety Section 9, which is a time period all other canons only mention in passing.
And while it wasn’t mindblowingly good and probably the worst canon of GitS, it’s still leagues better than the majority of franchises.

I consider that part of GitS:SAC. ^_^

GitS is incredibly dense and complex in terms of story, which is why you usually need more than one viewing to catch and digest everything.

Next, he should do a speed run wherein he smells flowers, just to underline that he’s got time for that as well. ^_^

If everyone stopped having sex every time stupid people did stupid things like a “69" joke, humanity would have gone extinct 200000 years ago... Or every 5 minutes since then!

Honestly, this looks to be a no-win scenario in terms of official costumes, since Disney is marketing it for everyone and only a small portion of people would be comfortable with this option, as well as any alternative.
This option offered celebrates an unrealistic body image.
A see-through bodystocking with with

... humanity, common sense, a call for research into better solution, a call for the legalization of ibogaine for addiction treatments (an illegal drug that’s been proven to be non-addictive and able to cure heroine addiction in 24 hours, in almost 100 independent and unbiased studies), or even just a f*cking plead to

Nah... They’re old friends, who grew up together on a backwaters world in the Rim, when one is discovered to be Force sensitive and recruited by the prestigious Imperial Guard.
Over the years they keep in contact, but a divide starts growing as the recruited one become more “Imperial” in mindset and thus dismisses the

Except that Nintendo had actually spent a lot of research and development, to make sure cartridges could function under worse circumstances.
In fact, had they’d waterproofed the NES (1 quality testing prototype had this), you could’ve rub food and soda into the connectors until you’d filled it, insert the cartridge

No, the pirating problem in Japan peaked in the summer of 1984 and the Famicon Disk System was released in February of 1986, with a novel floppy design and a “re-writable kiosk” service set up in most stores, both of which significantly lowered prices and made pirating less convenient (a solution many gaming companies

No, that’s was purely due to having limited time, limited finances and not wanting to risk flopping big time.

They are (or maybe were) an interesting people, but they might have changed due to unfortunate interest from the Western world...