
*knock knock*

But even those people are better off that the worst-off populations of the past... Granted, it’s not by much, but it’s still there.

He was indeed the last great Republican!

*ding ding* K.O!

Now you know how the rest of the world feels, as we hear “liberal” used as a pejorative and instantly wonder why American conservatives are against Democracy.
Then we learn how Americans use the term, making us even more confused about how people who are literally liberals, use the term to bad-mouth the Democratic

Here’s 3 quick questions, for anyone who are prone to confusing the moon and the sun...
1. Is it daylight bright outside, without the aid of artificial light?
2. Is is a natural sphere, further away than the clouds?
3. Does the brightness hurt, when you look directly at it?

Wait, so we have 3 studies that have resulted in a 94% remission rate (unknown number of participants), 3 mysterious deaths (out of 20 patients, which is still an 85% survival rate), and relative mild symptoms (unknown number of participants), and people are freaking out!?

Yeah, that shit would not have happened with me and I’d happily pull my pizza from anyone’s hands, should they pull this kinda shit!

Oh, so you’re one of people who’s fleecing both customers and content creators, huh? Sure, allow me to pay for something that’s becoming obsolete, in the hopes that you’ll throw some loose change and an “attaboy” at the talent.

Wow... Had this guy been on a lifeboat from the sinking Titanic, I bet he’d be shoveling water into the lifeboat and knocking out everyone else, so they wouldn’t take up space better used for storing sea water.

Yeah, that’s been one of my arguments for years... Kubrick was infamous for being insanely detail oriented to the point of severe OCD, so he’d either demand getting to film in orbit or on the surface.

This is the right kinda attitude, as customers shouldn’t pay because they should pay, they should pay because they want to pay and want your company to persist... In a perfect world, of course.

Anyone who’s ever watched a single episode of Mr. Bean, knows full well that he cannot die...

While the depiction of religions is any media is a touchy subject, cracking down on all depictions will probably do more to trivialize and marginalize a religion, since it’ll vanish off the radar of anyone but adherents to the religion and those who know an adherent.

Of course there are, and you only have to look to Legends to see what drawbacks and benefits they’re likely to have. ^_^

That Pikachu has seen things, back when he was stationed in ‘Nam...
Maddening things...
Horrible things...
Things that were once Pokemon and people...
But now, they’ve been disasembled and can’t be put back together!

They were effing idiots when they did this, as they took the whole thing to the next level, hoping to foster a bigger reaction than the original radio drama.
Unlike the original Orson Welles version, they’d gotten newspapers to publish fake news stories about objects falling from space all-around Ecuador, they

The original point of this - in H. G. Wells original novel - was as an analogy of imperialistic hubris.