We can put advance robots on other worlds and keep them operating waaay beyond their “best before date”, and yet - in the year of effing 2016 - my phone signal drops to nothing when I’m inside my apartment and a tablespoon of water would permanently annihilate my top-of-the-line smartphone!

It also has a tilt sensor so it won’t run up steep ramps, onto gravel, or into any place where it can get stuck, so unless this kid’s leg is less than an inch thick, that robot should have stopped... which is why I’m highly doubtful that this happened, at least in the way explained by the parents, whom i assume is

Those Swedes are nuts and manly to shake it off. ^_^

First off, Miss Herrick, I completely agree that nobody should make a false rape accusations, since it greatly diminishes how serious a victim will be taken... But false accusations comprises 1,5-8% of reported rapes, which itself comprises 25-75% of actual sexual assaults.
Had you researched the subject you’d not only

British food is just bland and meh, while this is supposedly a revolting sour and salty sludge with the consistency somewhere between molasses and jello.

Be happy you’re not an ancient Spartan, because their ration was glop so distasteful that it was said that you needed Sparta’s inhumane training, as well as witnessing all the horrors of war, to develop a taste for it.
It’s made by boiling pig legs in pig blood, salt and vinegar, until all but the bones have liquefied

This is so incredibly American that it’s painful... Group X escalate a situation, in response to group Y escalation, caused by group X escalation!

To be fair, they did make a new character and made said character homosexual... And then they made said character the partner of a closeted Sulu.

Oh.. My... Flying Spaghetti Monster! This is the best thing EVER!!

It’s a joke, dude. Chill.

I’m just fucking with you, my friend... Try doing a reverse image search on google, by going to google image search and dragging the image onto the search bar, as if it was an icon.
That’ll give you a complete overview of everywhere that picture is online, include possible sites that sell it or ways to contact the

I’m sorry to tell you this, but they’ve all been weaponized for the fight against terrorism, as testing proved them to be emanating instantly fatal levels of cuteness radiation.

Conspiracy theories in 3...

That’s a wrap, people!! The internet will now be shut off, as we’ve officially reach the goal of the sickest burn, and I’d like to thank all of you who participated in this decades long long search for a thermite level burn!

Yes, his entire internal story arch is him struggling with once being a fascist and ended up with accepting what can only be described as non-economic Classical Anarchism, as “Classical Anarchism” can be summed as the moral obligation to disobey the state, if/when laws conflict with personal autonomy or -justice.

Well, a lot of larger animals would attack you pinning you to the ground, in which case the easiest way of defending yourself is with a spear, knife, dagger or sword between you and it.
But this thing seems inefficient for that matter, since it’s way too short a blade for quickly killing anything but a dog sized

No, Superman is written as the fascist, while Batman is an anarchist that used to be fascistic.

May be... It’s been some time since i read either, so i could be confusing them.

True... But the comic takes place somewhere in the early 90's (Reagan is president and it’s somehow his third term), the “batmobile” is well over a decade old, and given the size of the “batmobile” and the size of those barrels, you could probably stick a 40 mm round in sideways without it getting stuck.