Convinced themselves!? Miller wanted to have Batman wielding a gun alongside his grapple-gun, but was told to not give Batman deadly weapons... So instead, the alluded backstory hints heavily at Batman being the entire reason for the anti-vigilante laws and the reason why other heroes were disillusioned.

It’s heavily implied that he used to kill, with the anti-Vigilante law being a direct result of the events in Gotham and other heroes turning their back on Batman’s savage methods.
Even so, he sure do love permanently crippling and destroying his enemies.

Yes, the machine guns are referred to as having rubber bullets, but the things he fire are not the machine guns, they’re the cannons.
It’s why Batman mockingly refers to it as “Batmobile”, which is a name he couldn’t understand how Robin arrived at, given that it’s a tank.

Let’s get one thing straight, to make this as nuanced as possible: This is not mainstream Batman, cutesy Elseworld Batmen, or your parent’s TV Batman! This is Frank Miller’s 1986 Dark Knight, and he couldn’t be further from Batman if he was Flashpoint’s Thomas Wayne!

Oh, for fucks sake... Kusanagi has a fully prosthetic body and chose a chassis that’s blindingly generic for tactical purposes (she can easily blend in, and she won’t have her expensive military-grade internal parts scavenged if her body is disabled), so just say she chose one that looks European!
This kinda

The origins of this fad is a lot more complex than that, but yeah...

That does happen to religions and it often takes decades to stamp out, but even so, it’s usually only a handful of branches of a given religion that sours and plunges its adherents into a dark age.
And that is one of the major problems with religion, as their otherwise innocuous social bonding can create herd mentality

Just when i thought i had no reasons to start reading Marvel comics again, this comes out to remind me why i stopped and assure it’ll be at least a decade until i give it another look.

No, I think it hit him...

No no... She’s gonna get to a heavenly palace, walk to the throne of her god, only to realize it’s a wheelchair and Hawking is sitting in!

Dude, don’t go getting into a turf war with the psychologists! Those people are crazy, and will bust a capsule in yo ass in an unprescribed consultation-by!

Well, there are some rather big holes in his biography, so he could have reverted to the ways of his dad’s fury and destruction, as teenage Jesus flirted with Aramaic Punk rocks and/or bronze metal!

Science is not a unified thing, it’s a method and tool of understanding the world... And if anyone can or would call them out, it’d be philosophers or political scientists, though neither are really equipped to weight in on religious extremism in its totality.

Clinical delusions rarely make full sense to anyone but the sufferer.

Exactly, and because this “good guy with a gun” mantra is repeated so often, anyone with a hero complex will buy one and instantly think they’re Clark Kent, waiting for his chance to throw off the cloak of mediocrity and save the day as Superman... Which, sooner rather than later, will mean America will reach terminal

Nah... Google was up shits creek on this one, since the vast majority of desserts and candy starting with an “N”, is largely unknown outside of their country of origin. And since Google doesn’t want to play favorites with cultural phenomenons, “nougat” was the only good choice... Which is something I’ve been saying

it’s something that hasn’t been seen anywhere else in the universe.

That wouldn’t be an epitome in anyone but a flatware collector’s life, which is such a small minority of collectors that I’m confused as to why you’d assume her daughter belongs to it.
And what is she keeping it from, or for!?

The mere fact that there’s a long history of one-handed Jedi coming back, should be the definitive reason why Mace Windu would never be brought back.