I’ve already patented the concept of “patenting a concept”, so jokes on you!

This reminds me of one of the most awesome moments of my nation, where i couldn’t be any prouder of my fellow Danes.

It’s not their fault you’re built like an NFL player and look like a dude. Usually they dress petite or beautiful women only.

I think we need to dispell the myth of “good guy with a gun”, and start defining “good” as antithetical to gun wielding. There can be non-evil person’s shooting an armed bad guy, but taking a life or being armed will at best make you neutral at best!

With the 2 of you as her parents, i cannot imagine anything less than pure awesomeness in your daughter’s future.
The world won’t know what hit it, as she descents on it with Valkyries in tow! ^_^

Now playing

Holy shit, that is awesome! Freja (the mythological one) is absolutely one of the best characters in Norse mythology and the most kick-ass lady in all mythologies ever thought up by humanity!
Which is why her name is #1 on my list of female names in case i get a daughter, followed by Frigg and Sif. ^_^

That’s how they’re preemptively preventing a rise, as you can’t very well feed your army with marching anthems and the promise of moonshine.

The Danish anthem is fully covered on that regard! Men and women are listed together, but before any inhabitants or royalty is even mentioned, in the first verse of the anthem, the whole nation is referred to as being the house of Freya... Not the place where her house is or where Freya spends her summers, but the

Please don’t lump real men in with these emotional chauvinistic wrecks! We get enough shit from them, for refusing to demean women or enter an emotional meltdown whenever someone challenges the existence of our biological sex.

Nah, it’s about as fragile as femininity... What these little crybabies are displaying, however, has fuck all to do with masculinity and everything to do with idiotic entitlement clashing with reality. ^_^

Allow me to address the Marines quotes in the article:

FIFA’s doing unethical things to earn money!? Who would ever have thought they’d stoop to that level!?!

Since those types of offenders of sit behind spoofed or faked IP, law enforcement has gotten used to going after physical evidence, like a HDD with child porn on it. Otherwise, they’d clog up the court system with hundreds of cases of innocent people being prosecuted for being an IP holder, but neither having the

This should have been thrown out waaay before that, as no sane and conscious individual would watch an Adam Sandler movie... Not even if you paid them!

It’s the same here in Denmark, as our laws require evidence that we’ve either stolen the copyrighted material straight from their server, or that we’ve downloaded 44600 dollars worth (in retail price) of copyrighted material over the a 24 hour period.

In my experience, few understand what measures can or should be employed to protect their own network or computer, and the legal system is pretty much stuck in a early 80's understanding of the same.

Sorry, you are indeed correct. It was cut from the script and recycled into the prequel comic, but i seem to have recalled it as actually in the movie.

You’re assuming factors beyond the splits can’t affect a later point down the line.
For example, the older brother could have landed himself in a situation where only the father managed to save him, or the brother have reacted badly to his father’s demise, both to the point where the older brother was never a factor in

I’ve just been dividing them up as “Original Universe”, “Mirror Universe” and “Alternate Universe”, but sure, let’s name it after a random ship that wasn’t even crucial in this timeline...

Holy shit, that’s hot enough to vaporize steel! Which would probably make you THE definitively highest fan of this Kelvin Timeline!