Actually, there is and thanks to a weird quirk in physics, it would actually be blindingly hot.

Now playing

Actually, it’s a pretty fucking warm endorsement!

Oh no! If they clench their butts any more than this, all TSA agents will die of constipation!

Woah dude, not cool! He’s under a lot of pressure, is worried about the survival of his brother and has a large audience around him, so if his Valyrian Steel is a little on the soft side, it’s completely understandable!

Since this is magical beings being killed with a magical (or possibly anti-magical) weapon, trying to make sense or bring reason into it, is about as meaningless as trying to device a scientific reason for why a stake to the heart immolates a vampire, or why a ghost can’t cross a threshold witch sodium chloride on it.

At least!

(Seeing title and article picture) Oh fuck no, that looks nuts!

Unfortunately, the law has not caught up with this kind of photography, as the anti-obscenity laws cover printed, painted or photocopied depiction of a dead person, and/or the distribution of physical copies... But not digital photos or online distribution, unless it’s classified as snuff porn.

There are 2 reasons to take a picture of a murder victim or naturally deceased person!

To be fair, all X are X, until X is no longer X... In other words, your statement is true because it’s logically impossible for it to be false, no matter what “X” is.

Besides the racist shit, I don’t get how any of the examples are even noteworthy... Teachers work incredibly thankless jobs for shitty pay and this is them venting (in a private chat nonetheless) to other that get the stress.
From a psychological perspective, this is the sanest and healthiest of way they could do this,

No no no... That commenter is just some filthy perv that gets off on personality and talking, which clearly flies in the face of the holy scripture of our lord and savior Freya!

First, you need to increase your animal magnetism to a planetary level!

Yeah, it was before Gaia found the right balance and really got to the core of what was causing her weakly fluctuating fields, back when she went by “Gothitia Ravenhills-Blood”, wrote really angsty poetry, threatened her stellar cloud parent to evolve something called a “Nietzsche”, and had this weird infection of


Unless he’s related to (Joshua Abraham) Norton I, Emperor of The United States and Protector of Mexico, then that “prince” is a usurper!

Videos must not include profanity, nudity, obscenity, pornography, depictions of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any harmful or illegal activity, or any material that is offensive, fraudulent, defamatory, libelous, disparaging, sexually explicit, threatening, hateful, or any other inappropriate content.

Actually, since he’s playing a punk-rock combination of 1984's “The Dark Knight” Joker and 1988's “Batman: The Killing Joke” Joker, it looks like he’s among the few who gets those one-shot instances of the character, as both of those use counter-intelligence and immense acting dedication, to instill the idea that he’s

It’s perfect. And I’m sorry if it felt like i was coming down on you for something others tend to do, but it just irks me when people go for a Victorian insult born out of British colonialism and their sense of cultural superiority, turning anything foreign or misunderstood into a negative.

Yes to everything, except for the kowtowing (as people should really stop using this term for things that aren’t an East Asian method of showing respect/reverence).