Now playing

They even do experiments, no matter how much their anti-intellectualism owner object to the purrsuit of science!

Look at it from their point of view: Boxes are spectacularly interesting, since they ignite their natural instinct to explore and to find close spaces to escape larger predators, at at the same time the box smells utterly different from their natural environment, making it - as far as scent goes - almost a portal to a

But those 2 “theories” aren’t mutually exclusive... In fact, there’s no mystery about what whiskers are for in cats (as it’s the same for all land mammals), and it’d cause both your anecdotal observation and the general misconception about whiskers being solely for checking the size of a space: Whiskers (also called

The article was updated after i wrote my comment.

No, those are 2 very different things. Entropy can accelerate and decelerate with little connection to time, since entropy is the “arrow of time” and not the measure of time.

Perfect! We’ll get this bastard, if it doesn’t comply with out fairly reasonable demands!


If your car is leaking break fluid or oil fast, and you don’t want to take an taxi/Uber, then you have to fix it now.

Damn you, callous and uncaring universe! Can’t you just take Kim-Jong Un or some other asshole we don’t want, and leave us just 1 cool dude!?

I’m thinking he was doing work under it and got crushed when it slipped off whatever was holding the car up... But I’m just guessing here, and really have no idea either way.

I don’t get it... His first point was just uninformed, and the second was utterly unrelated to the first point.

Sure that can’t be it! There are plenty of actors that are autistic, who rarely make eye contact outside of when they’re acting, to make this casting director aware that lack of eye contact doesn’t mean anything.

Yes, this is our chance to be heroes... Stuffed-to-the-point-of-needing-a-coma-to-sleep-off-how-much-we-ate heroes, but heroes nonetheless!

It’s funny... The more i scroll down and the more of these i read, the more smug those smiles look and the more they beg for me to wipe off said smug smile, with a firm backhanded slap across the face!

You must be proud of yourself, being able to come online and feign the ability to write as someone 4-5 times your age, despite being a 6 year old.

Keep up!? I’m still waiting for you to catch up, as I’ve raised multiple points that you’ve seen fit to ignore, and now you wanna talk about something unrelated.
That’s not how things work in real life: You either stick with the topic until it’s over (at which point we’d either switch topic or go elsewhere), or you

Quoting the article doesn’t somehow make it relevant, as we’re talking about the Indus Valley Civilization and not the city of Dwarka. You might as well quote an article on a newly discovered species of ants, or one about a food festival in northern Europe, because both has as much to do with proving those insane and

Irrelevant link is irrelevant...

Not by this much... Being off by 50+ years is considered an automatic fail in carbon dating, so being off by 54 times worse than failing to date something.
But more importantly, even if it was off by that much, it wouldn’t prove a nuclear bomb went off. It would just prove that the dude running the mass spec is an

You’re kidding me, right?