India didn’t exist at the time, and yes their technology was extremely advance, but by that i mean they invented aqueducts before the Sumerians and invented air conditioning through clever city planning, neither of which makes them capable of building a nuke... It didn’t even make them capable of discovering steel!

Not when they’re using a weapon they don’t have, based on technology that’s yet to exist for thousands of years... Then, it’s damn impressive.

Yes, a nuclear war thousands of years before anyone on Earth had nuclear weapons... That’s effing dedication!

You’re assuming future people will be better... Don’t worry, we’ve all had that problem. ^_^

Lasers in jungle ruins!? You better believe they had to fight off the rave crowd with baseball bats and tasers (both of which i assume were fitted with scientific lasers for science purposes).
It’s like friggin’ moths to a flame, if those moths were on a mixture of MDMA, amphetamines and glow sticks.

*cough* Indus Valley Civilization *cough*

So... It’ll be PlayStation 4 sized?

No complains so far. But my friends have skin thick enough to handle the real world, so...

I don’t get any complaints... But then again, i don’t party with people who get butt hurt when reality doesn’t conform to their beliefs, so the odds are definitely stacked in my favor. ^_^

Oh, your skepticism was definitely warranted and i didn’t know anything of the system when i made my first comment. I’m skeptical right now about Roche Lobes being applicable to things other than binary stars, because I’ve got everyone saying one thing and you saying something else. Nevertheless, I’m gonna check out

Actually, from what I’ve read on other sites reporting on this (as well as some of the database entries), the biggest surprise seems to be that this entire ordeal is visible, as the protoplanetary disc is still present in the system.
The system PTFO8-8695 has 2 planets, PTFO8-8695 b at 0,00838 (± 0,00072) AU and CVSO


Roche lobes are the area around and between binary stars, where material is gravitationally locked in...

Notice that it says “size” and not “mass”, and how this is an an incredibly young solar system. Both or those factors mean pretty much anything could be possible in terms of sizes and positions of stellar objects.

In my country it is customary to hand whiny little bitches a biscuit, with which they can wipe away their tears and munch down on the salty taste of nobody giving half a fuck. But since the dude isn’t likely to understand the concept of other nations or culture, i thought I’d instead share this custom with you, so

Am I the only one who saw #7 and thought that it’d totally be a photo that Murphy would stage, just for the fun of it?

GLaDOS: I so love it when you tell the test subjects who’s boss, my beloveded. When you’re done, i need you to ping my server... HARD!

Imagine this for a second... One day, the devices that fit in our pockets will be millions of times stronger than the computer that did this, which means would be filter reality through an Augmented Reality headset and see these things everywhere!

Agreed... On all of your points.. ^_^

No, my objection comes most from our medias ability to butcher real progress, by muddying the water and throwing everything into the same category.
For example, some of the things mentioned in the article aren’t sounds at all, but instead are interpreted data from fuzzy measurements of natural phenomenon, converted