1. I said “includes” and not “is”, to denote that I wasn’t talking about the definition, but the inclusiveness of said definition and my own refusal to use subjectivity in it.
    Basically, i don’t differentiate between good or bad.

Non sequitur.

To be fair, he is correct about chemicals being the cause, because - you know - everything that’s not an individual atom is technically a chemical!

Oh, i have no doubt that we’ve already outpaced and out-thought the writers for this movie. ^_^

No, my definition of music includes all music, no matter what my opinion of said music is.
Including non-music like random sounds would dilute the concept into meaninglessness, making “music” nothing more than a synonym of “sound” with little connection to it’s actual definition.

But even so, you’re still assuming that their language even contains concepts that are comparable to ours, or even contain grammatical rules that makes sense to us.


Sure you could, but a narrowed (or widened) definition would serve no other purpose than to obscure reality.
Music is a cultural construct with no parallel in nature, which means that including random sounds means everything is music, just like excluding actual music that you don’t like means is purely a product of

Ahhh... So this time, the written word will stand in for an Apple Powerbook? Let’s break this one down:

It’s their written language, not speech... Both of which are mindbogglingly idiotic.

Music requires 2 things: A musical instrument (including the human voice), and an intelligent creator who’ll use the instrument(s) to convey emotions/ideas/stories. So unless you’re making some incredibly extraordinary claims and have equally extraordinary evidence, those recording aren’t music.

Except the spelling “H8ful” is not the official spelling... It’s a excellent movie and all, but not one that really includes numbers in the official name.

This is obviously horrible, but wow... She is eloquent, on point and leveled headed as hell, at a time were most wouldn’t be able to string together more than 3 short words per statement.

What are these go-uns of which you speak!?

At some point in the future, America needs to join the modern world on this issue.

I know some places of education inflate student scores after a tragedy, to boost morale and to make sure their workload isn’t keeping them from not processing what’s happened... But seeing this, I actually think many of them have earned a grade bump, since the most decent engineers won’t be half as creative in half as

True, which is why i couldn’t account for that in the data.

Well, i looked up the average quality of an Android phone’s microphone on phone’s with hardware that allows constant listening, then i found best and worst average post-compression sizes for 1 hour of sound of said quality, and using the average of the best and the worst averages, I multiplied that by 24 (hours in a

Given my accent, most of mine is are “No, i meant x! X!! X, not Y, damn you!”...

No no, we don’t know where you are right now... As if we’d know that you’re eating nachos in front of your computer, wearing that unflattering t-shirt and silently feeling suspecious about how you’re being watched, as if we have the technology to know things like, say, that the shoveling of nachos brings you waaay