Okay... ^_^

Remeber to ground the swith or put a lightning rod next to it!

For when you don’t wanna get cold feet, as you’re about to tell off a Sith Lord. ^_^

Yeah, but because of Aphex Twin, this is now done by programs that can convert a black-and-white image (lossless format preferred), into a sound file that can be imported into whatever music program is being used.

I didn’t say the SS looked good while doing the horrible things they did, i said the dress uniform was stylish. That’s the uniform they’d wear during parades, parties, formal meeting and so on, and although the uniform was an excellent example of functional art deco translated into clothing, it was ruined by the

It’s not what you wear, but how you wear it. ^_^

Sorry, but you botched it... You were being waaay to eloquent and had far too many spelling successes.

This is an excellent example of over-engineering creating abominations.
And it’s actually quite sad, as you could probably create Star Wars themed footwear that everyone would want to buy, even without the customer being a Star Wars fan... By making them in-universe shoes!

As someone who eats a lot of fish, i have to point out that if the smell of fish lingers, you need to find a better place to buy fish! Same goes for fish that has that strong fishy smell, who many thinks are normal because they haven’t actually smelled fresh fish.
I can gut, clean, fillet, fry and eat a fish, and

Don’t worry, i read the whole thing... And you make some excellent points, for sure.

Whenever i read reviews about anything (mostly IMDb scores, i admit), the first thing i do is look at the score allocation, while discarding the top and bottom scores, since bottom scores are often bitterness and anger motivated, while top scores are often overly brown nosing.
But the rest of the scores will reveal the

Possibly... But up until the early 00's, both franchises were seen as having a dated look that belonged to the 70's/80's. And SW somehow managed to get over that bump, to become something we now think of as having a timeless appearance, while ST looks even more dated than ever.

Maybe that opinion would be less “unpopular” is you backed it up with an explanation or an argument, instead of just dropping a troll-ish statement that you obviously know wont go over well.

You son of a bitch, you made it rain outside!

There’s another angle worth mentioning here... The main problem old fans have is that the Alternate Reality is devoid of the political, philosophical and science-ish richness that made the Original Reality, with the new movies being almost Bayish in its reliance on flashy CGI and explosions.
But a TV show set in the AR

This is actually one of the things i find comical... With Star Trek, there’s a sense that the design choices are the product of the era in which the things are made, but with Star Wars they’ve managed to persist for so long that it has become the aesthetic of their universe.
If you take a step back, both of them look

Many others have argued the same, but i cannot be proud of any measure of violence at my hands, as i abhor violence and prefer never to have to do it, no matter how appropriately it’s measured out.
I’m glad i can defend myself and I’m happy neither me or her were seriously harmed, but pride is reserved for when i can

Wait... This is 1 drone, with 4 articulated metal plates on its front... And 4-1=3!

Good news, then... Valve has been gearing up to being able to produce their own movies, with Source Filmmaker being step 1 and their recent contract with J. J. Abrams being step 2.
Granted, this is Valve and they work on Valve Time, so whatever movie they make (which doesn’t have to be Half-Life, as they’re interested