William Scott, 16, was arrested on Saturday and has pleaded not guilty to two felony charges of cruelty to a child, reportedly for allowing the girl to engage in a sex act, and “possession of obscene material,” for keeping footage of the incident on his phone.

It’s times like these, where old school Bond villain like Hugo Drax (Moonraker) look more like the hero and Bond looks more like the real villain.

Technically, he didn’t rape her, based on accounts... He allowed a minor to engage in unconsensual sex, produced child porn, and distributed said child porn, which should have cost him far more than the limp slap on the wrist he got.
In fact, given state law, he should have gotten 5-7 years, plus 1 year per person whom

My thought as well. Violence should always be one’s last recourse, after hundreds of others have been exhausted, but once you’re left with nothing but that choice, it doesn’t matter who your attacker is.

Yes, but why would you integrate them into a drug delivery system!? To induce constipation or to murder someone by blocking their GI tracts?

Except for the fact that “biofoam” is just a typical hand waving gadget, making it an unlikely invention.

Especially while wielding his “powders and gels” and waving the druidic staff i assume come with the purchase of healing powders. ^_^

You know what... You should write an article about how social networks fail to handle threats, coupled with a few solutions to the problem, and then send it off to sites like Twitter.

Well, obviously... But the article is about 1 case of 1 man attempting to drug 1 woman, which is why I’m addressing this 1 scenario.

Yes, in American politics, which is why i said i got the point. But the same wouldn’t be true here in Denmark (as well as the vast majority of Western nations), where “liberal” is used in its original sense and only fascists (in the formal sense) shun the term. ^_^

A very interesting and beautiful analogy, for sure... It’s a little too oversimplified and kinda haphazardly applied to 2 groups who’s names have nothing to do with this (Liberalism being the philosophy that supports democracy and basic human rights, and Conservatism being the philosophy that argues for the slowing

I believe all of the moonwalk deniers and flat earth conspiracists know that feeling all too well... And so much so that they’ve constructed a nonsensical belief system around them. ^_^

Given that the second crusade was brought to heel, because people got burned and blistered inside a full metal armor under the Middle Eastern sun, I’d say slow-cooked knights had it worse... But, you know, it’s not a competition. ^_^

People, people... You’re all wrong! It’s clearly a focal test of the camera on her phone.

Your wife’s a clever woman. ^_^

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m unfortunately very familiar with physical and psychological abuse, as i grew up with a mother with maternal- and clinical narcissism, as well as a violent stepdad whom she wielded against me. Taught me a lot about how not to treat others and how to spot psychopaths from a distance.

But still, if you remove the legal risk from the equations, they’re still doing a lot of work and the same as a lazy afternoon jerk-off. Dating a woman would take half as much work and - if things click - result in awesome sex.

I suppose that is a good thing, but i still need to understand it somehow, if I’m ever to be of any help in stopping this kinda madness.

Ha ha, what!? Britain is literally the inventors of private property laws and the creators of fencing in large patches of private land. Before the English Reformation, all land was owned by the Christian god, managed by the Catholic Church and leased to kings.
That being said, the CROW act (Countryside and Right Of Way)

Yeah, i know control is a factor in rape, but if the victim isn’t conscious or mentally capable of fighting back, then the rapist doesn’t have real control over the victim, any more than they’d have control over the actions of a toy or a doll.