First off, thank you for reporting on this, despite nut jobs threatening you. If he makes good on his threat to come after you and you need combat advice, my best suggestion is to take 3 steps back and watch as his approach makes him too winded to fight (if someone lives solely for the release of any game, you better

I really don’t get why guys do this, at all... It’s just so alien to me, that the closest thing i could ever imagine slipping into someone’s drink, is a tiny colorful umbrella or a cocktail cherry.

True, they did great things, but lets not forget that Microsoft was only able to buy Nokia, because the company was on the verge bankruptcy and had fired over 90% of their staff. Which is why Microsoft’s purchase was followed by an absorption of patents, sell-off of factories/building/furniture/etc to offset the price

Yes, nobody has any experience before gaining it, as it already pointed out.

Come at me, Facebook!! I’ve got NoScript, Adblock Plus, anti-tracking add-ons, cookies set to self-destruct, and a host of programs that are ultra-paranoid so i don’t have to be.

The secret on that Pink Floyd album, is that if you play it backwards at 4X speed, it’ll sound as bad as the vinyl looks!

Pfff... Wax and vinyl is the medium of peasants, while the truest connoisseurs invades nations, kidnaps their famous musicians and force them to perform once to you alone, before you let the hounds tear them apart! Then nobody will ever hear the magnificence meant only for royal ears, thereby granting me the title of

There’s 1 difference here, which might make all the difference in the world...

Never seen either, but i just checked the TFA trailer and it would have been too spoilery for me, had i watched it beforehand.

All trailers are like that, which is why i only watch them for things i doubt I’ll want to watch, while avoiding it like a plague-ridden ax-murderer on fire, when it comes to thing i find interesting.

Nobody has any experience before they gain it, that’s just logical and irrelevant to my argument.

The gorilla wins, but only by getting help from all the others, as they affirm their own goals and dreams and stuff...

Nooo, how could this happen, it was totally expected... To maybe 5 people who weren’t laughing their asses off, back when Microsoft announced they were taking on Linux (Android) and Apple (iPhone), in a marked they have 0 understanding of and 0 experience with.

Never been hit by a woman (except in jest) and I’ve only hit a woman once (total stranger came at me with a knife, so i defended myself) but should a girlfriend hit me for anything that wasn’t well deserved, I’d probably hit her back... Not because she a woman or because I’m supposedly able to physically outmatch her,

Thank you! ^_^


Ah, i see... Well, that the kinda minutia you risk overlooking, when your first language isn’t one of the few who spells the name of my home continent’s name with an “e” at the end, instead opting for the original spelling of “Europa”. ^_^

Oh, please do... Because we invented the majority of western dishes involving cephalopods and we consume waaay more of those fuckers than you weak ‘Muricans. ^_^

Good gods, we have no time for hatred! So grab a fork and knife, and start exterminating these monsters before they invent a way to crawl onto land!!

Yes, they’re contradictory, but only if you read them as 2 isolated statements and ignore the paragraph between them.