First off, we need to take this with a grain of salt, as this is 1 person talking about something happening to an unnamed person or persons, at parties he never he never took part in, decades ago.
I’m not saying that nothing happened, but this is basically as far removed from the source as “a friend of a friend once

It seems a little strange to do this while putting the finishing touches on the game, but it’s better than nothing, i suppose. ^_^

Only a few members of the species are that intelligent, and all but one of the really smart ones aren’t actively fished by human.

My thoughts as well... PoI is pretty much the ultimate “what if” scenario, since they’ve managed to tackle dozens of hypothetical AI types, hundreds of ethical/political/social/economic drawbacks and benefits of those AI’s, solutions and insurmountable problems in the making/running of those AI, and made it immensely

Corporate bullshit by any other name, would still smell like bullshit. ^_^

Hopefully, that’s the foundation of this show... Showing everyone the different sides and their arguments on the matter, followed by a slap in the face from reality in the shape of a firm “NO! BAD IDEA!”. ^_^

Yeah, this is something I’ve always found strange... People hate and look down on mercenaries, thinking they’re inherently untrustworthy, greedy and unstable, but rebrand them as “private security”, “security forces” or “private contractors”, and suddenly people see them as an excellent solution to many problems and a

Yeah, I’d expect “End of Resistance” or even “Dawn of Knights”, but “Fall of the Resistence” isn’t Star Wars enough.

“Sir! Enemy ship spotted, and it’s.... Dazzling!?

I’ve read human poems and I can say that as long as an English poem is vaguely English, a given AI will already have beat 99% of all human poems... Hell, some poems don’t even bother to use actual words and many are utterly illegible even though the spelling is perfect.

Supposedly that’s true, but evidently it’s not true, since that rough outline covers roughly half of everything they’re making.

You know, these days we have these little things called cellular telephones, which are advance enough to send and receive electronic mail and perform conference calls over this new thing called the internet.
Now, if one someone was able make sure all members of Marvel’s creative team had one of those cellular telephones

Noooo, who would have ever thought that the Cinematic Universe had no real connection to the TV Universe?
Everyone... The answer is everyone, especially in the last year or so.

Here’s my reaction...

Every president since Washington has had things named after them when they held office, as this is often the best way to garner presidential support for a failing school/library/business/museum/project, not to mention that it’s a way of showing the sitting president respect.

Since intonation is incredibly hard to convey online, you might not wanna thank anyone or anything for the production and distribution of child pornography, without following it with a clarification.
It’s just one of those things were clarity is important.

Russia, before you go around casting shade on others, maybe you should solve your own problems... Like that of your young people listening to repetitive music, as they eats tonnes of drugs inside a haunted maze... As depicted here:

What in the.!? Are you kidding me, dude!?

But the problem is that as we fight for argue for something that’s important or close to us, using the wrong words or faulty arguments will cause people to instantly reject us or go unrealistic ideas.