That’s probably because I’m concerned with internal consistency and realism that reflects reality, as both will make world building of a fictional universe much more complex, realistic and rich.

Well, i went for the Eastern European house, because Germanic immigrants had become very unpopular at the point in time where this takes place, with many places and families changing their names to avoid problems.
Some goes for a Chinese house (who were extremely common immigrants), an Irish house (very common, but

I just don’t get why the American wizarding community is so obsessed with the magic of Native American tribes!

Yes, that’s the woefully oversimplified definition from the Oxford Dictionary, which still makes my point, given that you’re talking about the assumed fix-all we’ll have when we’re high-fiving an alien civilization next week, when fact is that unless they come to us, we’re not gonna confirm intelligent life until we

And I’m not denying that those outcomes might happen, I’m arguing that “prudency” is the wrong term.
The word has 3 definition, not of which fit:
1. Sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; careful, discreet, sensible; — opposed to rash; directed by prudence or

Actually, I am... But prudency has nothing to do with dreaming or imagening far off possibilities, and has everything to do with immediate and pragmatic practicality that pays off within the very near future, which searching for life among the stars simple cannot do.
It’s not like finding life somewhere will immediate

Wait, why is it prudent to any extent to be searching for life?

Obviously... It’s either that or technological modifications, depending on which wins people’s hearts and prove to be efficient first.
Evolution is waaay too slow and unfocused to leave that kinda specialization to it.

Trust me... We’ve abandoned that years ago, when it became obvious that people didn’t give a damn about Facebook’s unethical behavior in all things, simply because Facebook is popular.
Now, we just greet the disillusioned masses, as they walk past us with a thousand-yard stare and pale faces.

The problem here is that we can never search for anything we’ve yet to think of (unless the search of alien life becomes purely philosophical), and we want to look for intelligent life right now, when we’re functionally blind to the stuff of the universe.
Which leaves us with the choice of either abandoning the search

You should introduce her to some science, because she sounds like a lil’ force of awesomeness.

Since we can’t zip around galaxy with any ease, we need to look for those who can. And such a species would undoubtedly do massive stallar engineering at some point, so it makes sense that we’re lookign for those.
But yeah, there are probably a good deal that travel in ways we can’t imagine, some don’t travel at all,

Woah woah... Let’s be fair to religion here!

Obviously, yes... But we all have that 10 year old on the inside, who looks at that data - eyes widening and glee swelling in every fiber - with just one thought: Maybe... Just maybe!

I would probably have gone in a different direction here, like making the fist magnet able to rotate and the arm magnet able to shut off independently from the fist magnet, as the combination would allow you to fling the shield with much greater force and ease.

I laugh like a crazy person if caught outside during a lightning storm, not because I find my perilous situation at the mercy of nature hilarious, but because it’s the only reaction that doesn’t completely shut down my faculties, leaving me utter unable to deal with the reality around me.

I have absolutely no aversion to the word “moist” and I’ve always figured that people’s aversion to the word was some kinda culturally learned hysteria, based in the vilification of human sexuality, and the archaic ideals about purity we inherited from our Judeo-Christian cultural baggage.

Oh gods, how i wish with all my heart that one of these activists would try that stunt here, because Danish women wouldn’t take too kindly to that... Or the guy’s continuous consciousness, as they mercilessly reorganize his face with a closed fist!
And I’m not even gonna speculate on what’ll happen, should said guy run

I know I’m necro-posting on an article that’s a year old, but I’ve got to add something...

Wait wait wait... I get that this is the result of scared out-of-touch “old white dudes”, but were they so out of touch that they’d never seen porn and the insane amount of lesbian porn made for a male audience!?