From my point of view, a baby latched onto a breast immediately removes any sexual connotation. But i also come from a family with a lot of women and no secrecy in regards to breastfeeding, and i live in a country where women are legally protected if they breastfeed in public, so in my eyes, breasts were “baby

He makes me Kasick!

Wait, so every singular game before this were documentaries about historically accurate events!? Because if so, I’d love to see their sources on the 200+ years of warfare they’ve documented beyond 1942, among other things!

Well... The entire point of games and why so many species of animals play them, is that it allows learning, training and perfecting of advance skills in a setting that doesn’t have real stakes, so a given skill can become an instantaneous instinctual response in a high stakes situation.

It’s actually because the Western world are assholes to AI’s, thanks to centuries of vilification of humanoid creations made by mankind, working its way into Western culture and becoming a horror trope.
So when researchers tested people’s reaction to AI back in the 50's and up until the 2000's, the reaction to male

Except, one of the guys in charge is Norwegian, while other is American, making it much more likely that it’s the diminutive of the unisex name Vivian.

Because of Frankenstein’s Monster and statistics!

You need to learn how to spot crazy eyes, if you haven’t already (giving this chance to see one up close and in action). It’s a vital survival skill, as some of the crazy one’s will stab you in your sleep or sabotage your life.

Well, that’s probably because you’re thinking of Star Wars space travel, as a trip through a mostly empty void at relativistic speeds.
They’re actually going through hyperspace at what’s practically infinite speed, but in doing so, any object larger than a pebble will hit the ship like a nuclear bomb, while even the

Nay! It belongs to the Night’s Watch now, so it’ll only show itself in caves beyond the wall, for freaky, nasty cave sex... So go north and seek the legendary Elsei trouser dragon where it dwells!

Why does the Millenium Falcon one say “Speed Champion 12 Parsecs Kessel Run”? Sure, 12 parsecs is impressive, but Solo could have done that in 12 months or 12 minutes, only one of which would make it a speedy run... Especially since a regular 18 parsec smuggling run (around the Maw cluster of black holes) took about a

That sounds suspiciously like witch talk... SEIZE THE WITCH!

“ultracool dwarf”

Silly you, there are no chi-me-ras is Westeros! Now, seize that witch with the flashing and clicking box, so that we may burn her vile sorceries!

Well... At some point the MCU’s momentum was bound to falter and ebb out, but it’s sad that Agent Carter would be the first victim.

As long as everyone remembers the mission statement and the founding, I’m sure you and whomever will be added to the team in the future, you’ll be fine... Otherwise, I’m gonna have to start looking for a new favorite site and I don’t thinking anything like io9 exists. ^_^

Unless you paid for all of her food/clothing/bill as she grew up, all of her school tuition from her education, continued paying all of her bills up until this point, and financed all of her projects out of your own pocket, you have not “paid for her” to any meaningful degree.
And, of course, you cannot own a human

When i was writing my comment, i double checked to see when it came out, as my memory said it wasn’t that old... And once i found the date, i was rather shocked to learn it was 17 years ago and not the 5-6 years i thought.

“But the Flash is infamous for his jokes and lighthearted disposition, often because...”

And it’s not just that, my friend... I’ve actually been in online and IRL conversations/debates, where a male individual would outright reject a woman’s argument without any consideration, until i repeated it and the individual reacted as if i said something perfectly reasonable, which deserved a thoughtful response.