A wild apex predator behaved like a wild apex predator!?

Agitated man trying to force his way into a ladies bathroom or lie in wait to assault an individual once they leave... Yup, i think all bases are covered, in terms of claiming self-defense. ^_^

I’m male and my concern is for the safety of bathroom users, who might be physically or sexually assaulted by LGBT-hating bigots, who think a draconian backwards law gives them the right to police bathrooms.

The trans community should return the favor and treat bigots like they have a communicable disease, by freaking out over how unsanitary it is for hateful people to touch normal people.

And while the self-appointed toilet patrol is annoying enough, what’s much more worrisome is that, inevitably, one of them will escalate to an act of violence.

Agreed. ^_^

Now playing

Firstly, yes, I’m very aware of that song and the dark days of a joke band from our nation becoming an international success, which we’re all very sorry for. The people involved have been thoroughly punished!

Why vegans, why!? Do you think the CEO of McDonald’s eats nothing but McDonald’s burger, while the CEO of your local newspaper reads nothing by said newspaper?
Neither is the case, and it doesn’t matter, since you’re paying for a product they produce, and not being adopted into a family that’ll force their life style

I think everyone on Earth has wondered about the same thing, but to the majority it’s just a rather morbid musing about the strength of the legal system, clashing with one’s idea of their own capabilities... Then we shrug off the thought, silently hoping we’ll never be forced into a corner that’ll necessitate taking a

“Seeing the invisible” is a perfect example of an oxymoronic statement, given that things are only invisible until they’re seen.

At none of those are showing up in the mindnumbingly boring shit my country thought would be cool!

I took at wild guess on the TV show part, based on how the show is the reason why the majority of people now think mentalists are tantamount to real-life mind readers, or masters of the human mind.
Which should show you how easily a mentalist’s tricks fail. ^_^

A detective trained in FBI’s advance interrogation techniques might eventually be able to coax it out of him, but mentalists are stage performers with a knack for cold reading and micro-expression detection, so the best one of them could do is pick up on clues about his personality and when he might be lying.

Running is for the moments where you’re being chased or have to catch up to something accelerating away from you, not for sport.
So I’m 100% with you on this.

...bleeding with a head wound to the head...

Mine is Motoko Kusanagi. ^_^

That’s definitely a possibility, but BAA would easily fit into that, as the story is about the objectification of people, the discarding of lower classes, the perils of a massive class divide, the question about what it means to be human, and the power of determination and community in overcoming culturally-imposed

An interesting viewpoint. Not sure it fits, as he has described diving as his hobby and movie making as his passion, but that was years ago and he could easily have changed his mind at this point.

Money is the least of his worries, as only the only film maker richer than him is George Lucas.

FINALLY! I think we all sat through that 165 minute commercial, wondering why these robot-thingies kept interrupting the commercial we paid good money to see!