That makes a little more sense, though its a bit disconcerting that he’s delusional enough to drop his Magnum Opus to pursue a lower budgeted rapid-fire release of a franchise, likely to be inferior to the already poorly conceived 3D spectacle of Avatar. It’s like a perverse child of rushed production B-movie sequels

Well, all of his successful movies are insanely derivative: Titanic is based off Titanic, Terminator is a mix between an old Twilight Zone episode and Asimov’s I, Robot, Avatar is a retelling of Pocahontas, Alien was started by Ridley Scott, etc... But i get your point.

I really don’t get that man, then...

Not if Avatar was suppose to be a test, which when successfully finished meant he could finally do what he wanted to be his greatest work ever.
Hell, he’s been patiently holding off on doing BAA for 23 years and was expecting to have it done no earlier than 2020, so what exactly happened that made him give up on his

Wait! Cameron has been calling this movie his Magnum Opus, with Avatar merely serving as a tech test, meant to see if special effects had finally reach the point of realism he wanted for BAA... And he gave it to someone else!?

Screw that! I’m angry that the camera isn’t being played by a cyborg hooked into a brain-computer interface, allowing us to view the entire movie through the eyes of a living being!

Given that the change was likely made to avoid offending the Chinese market, there’s another bone we have to pick with Marvel: Why Celtic!?

Wait wait wait... This is a world with oceans, lakes and rivers of liquid farts, which in no way is like out Eart... Oh wait, ours is mostly shit and piss, so i see the comparison now. ^_^

Conventional wisdom would suggest that to be the case, but since laws go in either direction and haven’t been updated for MMO’s, as well as this potentially becoming a muli-million dollar source of revenue, players could stir shit up and throw a very serious wrench into the machinery.
Which is probably why its been 4

One of the things that kept me interested in Penny Dreadful, is that their Frankenstein’s monster is the most source-material-accurate depiction so far. We’ve had the incredibly inaccurate Boris Karloff version for waaay to long (over 80 years), so it’s nice to finally get the well spoken, highly intelligent and

Having never played the game either, I can’t really offer you much of an answer. But from what i understand, all points in the game is explored and as easily accessible as any other (through instant travel jump gates), though some regions are under control by pirates or large corporations, making them deadly to travel.

Yup... But this is different, since those went under the radar and technically complied with Icelandic laws. But scale stuff up, and now some of the fine print in Icelandic copyright laws (that were never meant to be applied to this, as they’ve remained largely unchanged for 800 years), start to conflict with

Well, that’s were the problematic bit shows up, as the game and IP is technically covered by Icelandic laws, which is a clusterf*ck of their original relaxed laws and the very strict international laws on copyright, many of which don’t mix. And because creating a mass-media produced TV show from user generated stories

Well... No!

It’s completely unexplored territory, but players seems to be very excited about the prospect of being in novelizations or TV series, while the overall story is undoubtedly owned by CCP Games (as makers of the game and owners of the servers)... So it might come down to players either being included as fictional

Those 2 aren’t mutually exclusive. But what i meant was that i don’t think Lucas’ has ever planned further ahead of what he’s currently doing.

I know... And it was Lucas’ intention to eventually reveal who the storyteller was, but... Well... I don’t actually think Lucas plans that far ahead.

No no, of course not.

That’s the leftover of the Journal of the Whills in the first drafts, as the decrepit droid was suppose to start with those words, before the screen faded to show an alien planet.

Just own it and do what i do: Say it’s shit. and you’re there for monster’s fighting!