Jurassic “ouhmmm, why do we bother, you’re gonna watch it aways”... It’s a working title suggested by a disillusioned scriptwriter.

Ahhh... Well, the Journal actually exist in the Legends timeline, wherein Lucas’ concept was recycled into a Force religion of Light Side “shamans”, who traveled the galaxy to collect stories about Force users.

Wait, where in the novelization did they make this canon, because I haven’t even heard of an interpretation that hints at a return to the original drafts, to any extent.

Wild theory..? The working title for the first movie was “Journal of the Whills: The Star Wars”, which was shortened down to “Star Wars” as “Whills” was renamed “the Force”.
And the early drafts started out with a decrepit droid talking to kids in a temple, telling them of his early days.

I know exactly what you mean! First time i saw Jurassic Park, the intelligence of raptors terrified me... And then - years later - a zoo keepers was proudly showing off the new raven exhibit at the Copenhagen Zoo, telling us all about how intelligent members of the Corvid family is, making me suddenly realize that we

I’m a power user, who uses both Chrome and Firefox, both of which are chug full of extentions and a f*ck ton of tweaks, to get them to work just right... And this is my reaction to the points in the article:

A little our of left field, but i really don’t get why people wouldn’t find real dinosaurs (with feathers) scary, just because of a possible plumage.
I mean, you don’t even have to imagine a T-Rex or a raptor plastered with feathers to get this, as you can just think about how you’d feel if you stood face-to-face with

Yeah, just look at how nonthreatening and lame a feathered raptor looks like... I would laugh in its feathered face, until it crawls away in shame (or literally tear me apart)!

Figured as much... But for a second, my inner kid was hoping the acronym was for some app in the works somewhere, that would grant me my mixed reality dreams.

I put that little parentheses with the word “obvious” in there, solely because that was my first thought. It’s pretty much the most basic unit of distance any enthusiast of space should know, right before they learn what a lightyear is. ^_^

An open letter to CBS:

Go to your browser’s setting, find the cookie setting, and check off the option to delete cookies upon closing the browser.
Alternatively, find an add-on that automatically deletes any cookie you haven’t white-listed (I’m using Self-Destructing Cookies for Firefox).

While no country on Earth is anywhere near perfect, South Korea has gone from a 3rd world military dictatorship on par with modern North Korea, to being a socially progressive high tech 1st world democracy in less than 30 years, to the point where they’ve actually overtaken all other Asian nations in terms of social

Philosophically speaking, talking about a “social disability” as a philosophy makes no sense, since philosophy is a vast and expansive fields, while disabilities are a small part of the applied science called psychiatry.
To use an analogy, it’s the same as asking if one particular trout should be considered an

From what i can see, she’s an “attention whore” who’s biggest win was this dweeb from the above article mocking her...

Wait, what’s “AU”? I tried searching for it, both as an acronym and as a proper name for something, but all i got that in any way was related to this, was a list of universities and (obviously) the symbol for Astronomical Units.

Here’s how i imagine he’s replying to you...

Obviously, since that war ended in mere minutes, as the Clonyes quickly rejected the hive mind of Kanye-238, destroying each other in an all-out battle royal to determine which one of them is “god”.
The real problem was the ecological disaster following it, as the continent hosting the wars was covered in rotting

In his defense, he’s not a fan anymore...

I always find it helpful to divide the numbers down to a point where i can compared it to the moon and its distance to us, as that gives me a visually comparable space borne object in the night sky.