*falls off chair, twitching on the floor*

I believe in a balance between weak points and plot strength, since most media would become impossibly long if we removed all weak spots. In terms of Star Wars, Lightsabers and the Force itself are huuuge weak points, but when things get explained instead of letting the story do what stories do best, we get

That’s an amazing story. ^_^

So what I’m hearing here is: “Fuck you for not tolerating my intolerance, and not accepting my right to believe that freedom only extend to people who are exactly like me, you insecure cowards!”
Is that about right? If so, allow me to be the first to passionately say:

Well, some of the details were cut from the script so it wouldn’t be too long and then kept in the official novelization, while others are details that will be included in future media, are addressed in tie-in media, or (in the case of the tactics) should be familiar to anyone who’s studied a little bit of history.

When Finn meets her, he has to the play the role of the heroic all-around good guy of the Rebellion, in order to get a pilot that can fly him away (after loosing Poe) and a droid that can guide him to the one group that might protect him from the army he deserted, which means he just defaults into trying to save the

According to books, comics and various Q&A’s, the First Order presides mainly in the immensely vast part of the Galaxy known as the Unknown Regions, wherein they also built the Starkiller Base, before moving it to the border of the Unknown Regions before the beginning of TFA.
So what we’re seeing in the movie is

Ultron is only part James Spader, with the other being whatever the scriptwriters put together... But yeah, the movie would have been utter crap without Ultron, whom I think is the most interesting of all MCU villains.

Wait wait wait... Wait... Wait! “Hulk 3"?

Now playing

I’m just gonna leave this here, because why not. ^_^

TFA doesn’t have any plot holes yet... Yes, plenty of things weren’t explained and some things seemed to be contradictory, but since it’s the first movie in a planned trilogy, we’ve only seen the first 3rd of the plot and therefore can’t determine if it has holes.

I think this was literally the first thing i commented on, as i left the theater after seeing the premier of TFA. And i absolutely loved that he’d done this, since one of the things that made fans more uneasy than anything, was the fact that this was the first thing made with absolutely no Lucas involvement.
Even as we

It’s more than just reminding being done, as they had to show us fanboys that they remembered why the movies became great in the first place, while silently wiping some of the bad stuff from the prequels away.

Why Time Is One of Humanity’s Greatest and Most Important Inventions

Well, mechanical clocks were invented 1400 years before the 11th century, so it’s hardly the ealiest. ^_^

Yeah, I wish they’d explored him more and tried to establish him as a serious threat. But instead, we did finally get to see Maul being awesome, instead of some chump that kills 1 Jedi and then gets sliced in half.
I’m actually hoping Rebels will return Grievous as the awesome N-K Necrosis, so we’ll see the droids

Pretty much... ^_^

All excellent points, though there are a few things that should be noted.

Yes, because the above article is about the armor in our world, with our current technology...

Yeah... Until Disney comes up with a Canon explanation for this heavily EU episode, we’re all we’re doing in comparing speculations and non-canon material, to discern something that doesn’t exist in Canon.