Possibly... But Anakin would still need to turn to the Dark Side, in order to bring balance to the Force, as the Jedi Order was creating an imbalance by exterminating or converting Dark- and Grey Side Force users.
So while Qui-Gon would have done a better job, he wouldn’t have stopped Anakin from turning to the Dark

The suit feature no means of pain relief, nor does he ever receive any form of painkillers, so that he can funnel the immense pain into his mastery of the Dark Side.
And at the same time, he’s partly sustained by the Dark Side and mostly kept alive by the suit, negating any negative physical effects of constant pain.

I have to disagree with you... Canon hasn’t touched upon why or how Grievous got his current body, except for 1 scene in season 1 of the animated Clone Wars series, where he subtly hints that his statues depict his life, with 2 of them showing augmentation.
But that episode is from the Lucas era and was meant as an

How many actually read the above article, because quite a few of you have come down here in the comment section, after missing the fact that the article is about remaking Vader’s armor in the real world and with our available technology... Which is what I’m addressing.

Personally, I prefer the concept art for the “Droid General”, which was suppose to be an unstoppable Jedi-killing droid, that would later be revealed to be Force user when he Force Choke’s a Jedi Master... But they didn’t want a character to over shadow Dooku, so he was reworked into what we got...

Indeed. Which is significantly higher for someone like Vader, who constantly engage in activities that - at the very least - significantly reduces the lifespan of his parts.

Given that the following image is of Grievous after his first assassination attempt and before he got mechanical parts, I think it’s fairly safe to assume his modifications did indeed not start as an addiction to modifications... It’s could have become that, though i doubt it ranks anywhere near as high as his

That’s a perfect textbook example of over-engineering, if I ever saw one!

No, and I’m a tad confused about how you came to that conclusion.

Not everyone is really poorly off, but finding the definition of one’s full name often results in something that hilarious, horrible, or weird... Which are 3 words you could easily use when describing “Boaty McBoatface” and the means by which it got its name.

That’s alcohol cannibalism, you sick f*ck!!

I loved that movie, since many of the actors nail these counter-intuitive roles. It a f*cking weird movie and the story just leaves you in a perpetual “the f*ck is happening” state, but damn if it isn’t enticing!

Have you seen Southland Tales, then? Because nobody has and i honestly think it’s his best performance, since it’s so utterly outside his sphere of comfort as an actor, and he still nails it!

Uh, i actually loved the added realism in the remake, since it makes his condition that much more believable.
Personally, i was in existential dread during that scene, as i was imagining how it felt to be painlessly disassembled and left powerless in front of someone you really didn’t trust, who’s likely in possession

It is, if you say it in a Guns and Roses like scream, or at least infuse some 80's hair metal into saying it.

It’s “molten rock” (lava being magma that’s above ground), but yes. ^_^

Oh no, that place is chug full of armed savages, religious nuts, and Trump supporters! Just take California, a few northern states and open up to civilized refugees, and then just leave the rest to the Mad Max hellscape they long for!

Why... His explanation was simple to the point of meaninglessness, as he basically just repeated the same little factoid. I’d at least have included the “drawers analogy” or at least wowed them with a quick “and quantum entanglement can teleport information”.

Yeah, the whole “you’re either with us or against us” isn’t really the attitude of a peaceful religion. Plus, they literally have their own military, enforce laws without oversight, and are treated like higher class citizens by the Republic, which is just... Really fucked up, when you think about how the Republic is

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For your viewing displeasure, here a video of relatively cold artificial lava (3-4 times colder than natural lava from a volcano) being used to cook thick steaks...